C#12mo ago

EF Core - Joining Two Similar Tables Before In-Memory-Buffering Into One DTO

Because of how Stripe's API stores two specific objects (Subscription and SubscriptionSchedule), I have to have two EF Core models for those. However, they essentially have almost all the same columns. I want to present these as a single data set to my clients - orderable and sortable as if they were just one data set. How can I query both of those models in my DbContext and then combine them into a single Queryable result set as a SubscriptionDto - without triggering the in-memory buffering. I want to be able to order them/paginate them later on as a single result set so I don't want them to be buffered into memory until they are combined into a single Dto.
25 Replies
mg12mo ago
There are a few options If inheritance is appropriate you could use that i.e. just have one table for both entities Although it's likely that that's not appropriate What I would probably do is have an entity for what you want to query and use FromSql() and write the query myself Though I'm not sure if that would be optimal
nox7OP12mo ago
I'm not entirely sure I understand how I would do this to get the desired affect (the queries all happening on SQL and not being buffered). I am also assuming .Concat() on two IQueryables would trigger in-memory buffers; because that was my first idea. I was currently doing
var subSchedules = DbContext.SubscriptionSchedules.Select(new Dto(){});

var subs = DbContext.Subscriptions.Select(new Dto(){});
var subSchedules = DbContext.SubscriptionSchedules.Select(new Dto(){});

var subs = DbContext.Subscriptions.Select(new Dto(){});
And then using .Contact() on them to get one result set.
D.Mentia12mo ago
If it's still an IQueryable then it's not materialized from the db yet, that should work
mg12mo ago
You can create your MySubscription entity and then configure it with ToSqlQuery() so that it's queried from a query you specify instead of creating a new table for it
nox7OP12mo ago
Oh, if that's the case then that'll make things simpler. @D.Mentia
D.Mentia12mo ago
that is two roundtrips though, you might could get around that with some clever querying on a navigation prop that assumedly Subscription has, but it's not really a big deal
mg12mo ago
public class MyEntity
public int Id { get; set; }

public class MyEntityTypeConfiguration : IEntityTypeConfiguration<MyEntity>
public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<MyEntity> builder)
builder.ToSqlQuery("SELECT * FROM MyEntities");
public class MyEntity
public int Id { get; set; }

public class MyEntityTypeConfiguration : IEntityTypeConfiguration<MyEntity>
public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<MyEntity> builder)
builder.ToSqlQuery("SELECT * FROM MyEntities");
nox7OP12mo ago
Thanks guys - this information will give me enough to go off of to make the right decision for this data set.
mg12mo ago
Looking at Stripe's API it looks like those are dependent entities right?
nox7OP12mo ago
Not entirely. The SubscriptionSchedule exists first, and when the first renewal period hits (SubscriptionSchedule is used to schedule a Subscription object for the future), then a Subscription is created and contains pretty much the same data as the SubscriptionSchedule it spawned from. However, I want my clients to see "Subscriptions" seamlessly and not have to worry about if one is a schedule for the future or an actual Subscription yet.
mg12mo ago
Ah I see
nox7OP12mo ago
It's an unnecessary complexity in Stripe's API, but it's how they've scaled and remained backwards compatible. Most payment processors would just have this "scheduling" data as columns in the Subscription object; but they introduced all this "scheduling" stuff later. An unfortunate reality.
mg12mo ago
lmao i'd kill to be using stripe right now
D.Mentia12mo ago
I mean that does sound like SubscriptionSchedule could inherit from Schedule, and EF can make that a single table in the database while still exposing two separate 'tables' for you to query (or vice versa)
mg12mo ago
the powers that be are making me use an api that 404's on ratelimit hits
nox7OP12mo ago
That's really interesting, actually. I'll look into this.
mg12mo ago
But a schedule need not have a subscription associated with it, right?
nox7OP12mo ago
Yeah, that's right. It will eventually, just doesn't always have one yet. Schedule is the egg before the chicken
mg12mo ago
Yeah I'm not sure inheritance would be appropriate here Because a schedule has both its own identifier and an identifier for the subscription it manages
Core12mo ago
Hello, what you are looking for is called table-per-concrete-type (TPC), it is available from .NET 7 and above
D.Mentia12mo ago
yup, that's usually the one I go with with inheritance. If the entities work well with inheritance, anyway I don't know if I'd recommend making some fake third entity with some properties null depending on which type it really is, just to make the inheritance work, but that's an option if necessary
Core12mo ago
TPC makes it possible to use the base class to query all the tables at once with a single query
Core12mo ago
Table Per Concrete Inheritance
EF Core support for inheritance uses the Table Per Concrete pattern
Core12mo ago
It would look like this:
public abstract class BaseSchedule
public int Id { get; set; }
public string? Name { get; set; }
public class Schedule: BaseSchedule

public class SubscriptionSchedule : BaseSchedule
public string? SomeOtherField{ get; set; }
public abstract class BaseSchedule
public int Id { get; set; }
public string? Name { get; set; }
public class Schedule: BaseSchedule

public class SubscriptionSchedule : BaseSchedule
public string? SomeOtherField{ get; set; }
public class ScheduleDbContext : DbContext
public DbSet<BaseSchedule> BaseSchedule{ get; set; }
public DbSet<Schedule> Schedule { get; set; }
public DbSet<SubscriptionSchedule> SubscriptionSchedule { get; set; }

protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer(@"Data Source=(localdb)\ProjectsV13;Initial Catalog=AnimalsDb;");
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Entity<SubscriptionSchedule >();
public class ScheduleDbContext : DbContext
public DbSet<BaseSchedule> BaseSchedule{ get; set; }
public DbSet<Schedule> Schedule { get; set; }
public DbSet<SubscriptionSchedule> SubscriptionSchedule { get; set; }

protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer(@"Data Source=(localdb)\ProjectsV13;Initial Catalog=AnimalsDb;");
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Entity<SubscriptionSchedule >();
This is how your configuration would look like. You would have one DbSet for each type, even for the BaseSchedule. Keep an eye one BaseSchedule, it is abstract, so no table will eb created for it. But it can be used to query the other 2 tables at once, in the background it will do a UNION ALL operation.

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