nslookup and dig work fine, and as far as I'm aware no 3rd party apps are interferning with DNS as DNSlookup and everythying related to DNS works fine when I'm not trying to connect to warp.
2 Replies
Chaika12mo ago
Are you from a country, such as IRAN, that may be blocking WARP? Or are you behind something performing TLS Decryption? My understanding is that error is a catchall for WARP being unable to resolve hostnames through its proxy. So normal browsing may be fine, but warp specificallyh blocked. There's a ton of posts recently on the community about Iran blocking WARP resulting in that error.
VastoOP12mo ago
Hello and thank you for replying. I do not live in Iran but apparently yes, the country which I live in prohibits the use of VPNs and Proxys and to my amazement our ISPs and country itself reached a technological point where they understand what a VPN is and how to block it.

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