33 Replies
go to ur intel display or whatever and reset the saturation to default
graphics command center

not entirely sure if this is how u changed it but hope it helps
I haven’t changed anything. I am using nvidia. And tried resetting everything to default.
open nvidia control panel
or APP
whatever you have
Cyberpunk is working fine. I think the problem is with Valorant only.

Tried that as well.
you have control panel or you upgraded to app

open geforce experince
optimize it
Already optimized from there
any overlay?

not that I know of.
have game filter?

try nvidia app if you wanna try
Alt+Z. Its off. 🥺
like filter?
Yes. filter is off
lol do alt f3
and remove
nothing happening.
but game filter is off
hmm its in new app

like i meant game is unsaturated
yes. Dark places are not visible. and light places are just too bright.
did you press win ctrl c
cause its color filter in system too
nothing happening.
Nopes. only pn valorant.
Shall I try resintalling?
no it not worth it
its filter issue only
try upgrading to app if you wanna
Let me try that.

this is off already
I just switched to Nvidia App as well. nothing working.
could it be that texture files are corrupted? Files are showing as up to date.
in nvidia app try messing with filers
try deleting it
I reinstalled the whole game.
no fix till yet.
I uninstalled everything related to nvidia using ddu but still not resolved :/
Anyways found a fix. I need to turn OFF auto HDR.