Valorant Error 0x0000142
guys i need some help
anyone know how to fix
VALORANT.exe - Application Error
ive tried sfc scanning
reinstalling multipe times but everytime i click play that shows up, also i recently just got back into val anyhelp would be appreciated

232 Replies
new error
in the struggles man
got any clues why>
yeah probably driver issue
gpu drivers?
or DLL file restriction
i updated them all recently
whats this
run these commands
in another one
i did that before
and after i installed the game
in cmd?
ok what have you tried
so cmd commands
reinstalling and deleting
changing download location to C drive
updating gpu drivers and cpu
signature verification ?
and updated software updated
what is that
Updated cpu?

How does that work
what will this do
actually i did not update cpu
it verifies if pc has any unknown signature files
lm trie
do Optional Updates in windows Update
just finished this

ill update then come back
what did SFC scan said ?
do other one too
something like no problems found
their updating

ill restart when other one finishes
let it
Reboot the pc
let it update firmware it should take 5~10 min
plug in the power adapter if its laptop
and dont intrupt while updating
ok ill restart now
my power adapter is already plugged in
ok it finished updating
should i start val now @Talonted Gamer
yep from riot client
dont open directly
i opened from riot client
same error showed up

open the event viewer
how do i do that
search in start menu
yup opened it
what now
open event viewer
on left expand windows logs
open all log types one after one check for events related to valorant/riotclient/vanguard / vgc/ vgk.
you can verify if its of valorant/riotclient/vanguard like i highlighted in red
if you find any send ss here

maximize it
and check in security and system too

what now

@Talonted Gamer
Open it
Oh it is alrdy
what i do now
Show ss

Extend the system list

what r u trying to look for

events related to valorant/riotclient/vanguard / vgc/ vgk.
Bug something
yeah did u see any?
it says error
you need to manually check each one there
i did
just says event 1000 application error
for all the erros
is there a way i can ss and show u
or is it not safe showing that info
Is it standard user?
where do i see that
can u show example


Win + R
on your keyboard to open the Run dialog box.
Type regedit
and press Enter or click OK. This will open the Registry Editor.
In the Registry Editor, use the left sidebar to navigate through the hierarchy. You can do this by clicking on the arrows or double-clicking on the folder icons to expand them.
and expand it.
Next, find and expand the SOFTWARE
Scroll down to Microsoft
and expand it.
Continue to Windows NT
and then to CurrentVersion
Finally, click on the Windows
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows
should be this directory
Bro rly just looked at the first yt vid he saw when searching up the error

what i click now
windows folder

@Talonted Gamer @jidat

Load appinit
i double click?
or left click
do i modify?
Yes modify

hmm ok
press ok
now what
boot game
check if it works
same error
riot client works and boots up
its just valorant that doesnt boot
and shows that eroor 0xc0000142
does vanguard give error?
nah just shows that error

is vanguard yellow in taskbar tray
its red

disable antivirus and firewall
i cant disable symanetic endpoint
it needs a passkey
which none of us have
i heard there is a way to delete it but i dont know how
bc of the version
which should i disable?

WOW whats that antivirus
@Talonted Gamer ?
symantec endpoiny
press option
on which ome
out of the 4
we need to disable all first one
but then how will i know which pne it is that is affecting it
its whole software
i disabled all
ok now try opening
let me try npw
same problem
you can also try this :
open command prompt as administrator and type
then reboot the pc
will that remove eberything on my computer
what does itdo
firewall reset

now what @Talonted Gamer
ok i rebooted
should i try opening game again
@Talonted Gamer
and should i run riot client as adminstrator?
or should i just boot game first as admin
or naj
@Talonted Gamer
yep as admin
same thing
when i ran as admin
it said windows firewall has blocked some features do u want to allow public and private networks to access this app
i clicked allow
but sam error showing

@Talonted Gamer
reinstall game??
tried that so many times
where should i isntall it
bc i choose c drive
is there not a way to allow windows defender to allow valorant or somehting
@Talonted Gamer any other fix?
idk hold on
i even tried logging on new acc
same error
can u guys please give me some fixes
im gonna go shower ill brb
@Talonted Gamer @Saucywan please save me ðŸ˜
@jidat u too
its new error for me
and i dont wanna give you random solutions and stuff thats meaningless
ill be waiting for any of u guys
take ur time
@Talonted Gamer @Saucywan @jidat basically when i exit vanguard and press play my valorant actually starts up and takes me to home but then a thing appears that says vanguard needs to be enabled so i cant play unless i dont exit vanguard
so its a problem to due with vanguard or something not sure
send ss of that
basically when i press play after i exit vamgurad it takes me in the game
but then it says u need vanguard on
so it says reboot or quit
when i turn back vanguard and try
it doesnt even load the game
and shows the error
@Saucywan @Steve From Macrohard
@Steve From Macrohard did you have him manually re-register the DLL, OLE and OCX files?
hmm seems intresting
but i too dont know properly
could also likely be a bad C++ or DX11 or .NET install as well
try installing this
send ss from control panel like this


discord warning
its microsoft file
i didnt download it yet

should i still download it
yep install it
its downloading
it says restart
Latest supported Visual C++ Redistributable downloads
This article lists the download links for the latest versions of Visual C++ Redistributable packages.
in thi
damn do you only play valorant?

download this one
yes cause i dont have storage left
i just downloaded the other one
and it just restarted
what now
ok now reboot
i did
i downloaded this one and rebooted
this one did you install ?
ok do 2013 one
can u send link got iy
nope its blocked here cause of shotucut link do x64 one

this one?
it said setup successful
did it install ?
i didnt say reboot tho
hmm open game hopefully
it opens
same issue
its not mandatory to reboot after installing C++ redistributables dw
it still didnt work tho
try opening cmd as admin and entering these commands:
what does that do
it registers the dll and ocx files in your system32
it makes sure they are properly in the windows registry
as long as you haven't planted like a full on malware in your system32 its completely safe to run

doesnt wotk
I believe those don't display output so it should be fine
ill run it on my pc too just in case 1s
yeah it just doesn't display output
what do i do know
restart the pc and then try starting riot client again
bc i made riot and valorant and vanguard as exceptional applications and other stuff on my anti virus just incase, all my drivers are up to date and even changed some windows settings from youtube videos
give me 1 sec
ok ill try running the game now
same error
@Arii @Steve From Macrohard
well its not crazy surprising it didn't work its a rather specific case, have you tried running malwarebytes and a registrycleaner?
i have done registry cleaner
and I think I saw you said you ran sfc and DISM earlier on
so ran malwarebytes and see if its malware impacting it, bit unlikely but could be it
if it doesn't work then lets try clean booting and seeing if its 3rd party interference
what does clean booting do
it starts your pc with only microsoft verified services
so you get no extra stuff from anything you have downloaded in case its messing it up
ok but then how do ik which software is affecting it
and how do i return back to the normal state
binary search
we will simply add back half the programs every single time until it stops working again
then remove half the programs until it starts working again and repeat
this is assuming it even works to clean boot in the first place of course
How To Perform Clean Boot Windows 11/10 Laptop or Desktop PC
The best tutorial on how to perform clean boot on Windows 10 or windows 11 laptop or a desktop computer now the benefit to perform clean boot on windows 11 or any other version of Windows is it will decrease the boot time and increase the performance of your computer so basically basically you need to hide all Microsoft services and then you nee...
is this clean booting
yes, also make sure to keep vgc enabled and to go to the startup tab and disable any startup software you have in there
it is very important that the hide all microsoft services is checked
the guy doesn't ephasize it enough, it is very important, it is a huge hassle to fix if you forget to check it first
nah still dont work

why does vgc say stopped
when i never stopped it
its still running?

vgc being stopped is fine
you can open cmd and type in this:
that's the one that is important to be running

yeah your vanguard setup is fine dw
well now there is only one logical thing left I guess and after that its just random obscure things that may/may not fix it
and that would be making sure you have permissions to the entire folder, simple as that
how do i check that
@Arii ?
you would open cmd as admin and enter this:
what is path to folder
path_to_folder would be your
C:\Riot Games\VALORANT
equivalent on your pc
your_username would be your windows account username
this command is a lot more verbal so you'll actually see this one work
you don't have icacls at the start
wait do i need the ""
also is that the correct user? this one ends with an 'h' but up here you have a different one
into the cmd firstalr
then take the name after the slash
that should be the user you are currently using

yup 0 fails is good
try starting the game again

alright, well shit then its down to random stuff that may or may not work
short i made a secpnd windws profile
and try on that
I mean you can try anything at this point
I would probably start with running it manually as admin from the files or something simple like that though
you haven't like done anything weird like moving the game files around or having riot client and valorant on different disks right?
i only have 1 C drive
but abt moving the files maybe
can i sreen share and show u?
can u accept my friend req
i can talk tho