C#ā€¢9mo ago

Defining and checking a 2D string array

Hey. I am creating a tic tac toe board game with 3 rows and 3 columns (a 2D array). When I input, for example far more than 3 characters for a row into the console, it always returns that the board is valid. My isValid method is not working evidently. Im not sure if it is becuase of improper intiialisation of the board class, game class, or the method itself. Please let me know! Board.cs relevant code:
class Board
private char[,] board;

/// <summary>
/// Get whether the board is valid, i.e. the board is a 3x3 board with only 'X', 'O' and '.' characters
/// and the number of 'X' is equal to or one more than the number of 'O'
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if the board is valid, false otherwise</returns>

// Need to also make sure that the number of o is not 1 less than x as x goes first.
public bool IsValid()
// CHeck if both the rows and column of the board are in 3x3
if (board.GetLength(0) != 3)
return false;
else if (board.GetLength(1) != 3)
return false;

else return true;

/// <summary>
/// Constructor of the Board class. Fill the 2D board of characters using the lines array of strings.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lines">The array of strings to fill the 2D board of characters</param>
public Board(string[] lines)
// Constructor that creates a 3x3 array of characters (char)
board = new char[3, 3];

class Board
private char[,] board;

/// <summary>
/// Get whether the board is valid, i.e. the board is a 3x3 board with only 'X', 'O' and '.' characters
/// and the number of 'X' is equal to or one more than the number of 'O'
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if the board is valid, false otherwise</returns>

// Need to also make sure that the number of o is not 1 less than x as x goes first.
public bool IsValid()
// CHeck if both the rows and column of the board are in 3x3
if (board.GetLength(0) != 3)
return false;
else if (board.GetLength(1) != 3)
return false;

else return true;

/// <summary>
/// Constructor of the Board class. Fill the 2D board of characters using the lines array of strings.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lines">The array of strings to fill the 2D board of characters</param>
public Board(string[] lines)
// Constructor that creates a 3x3 array of characters (char)
board = new char[3, 3];

Game.cs relevant code:
public class Game
// Board field
internal Board Board;

// Constructor that takes in 3 strings that represents the board (this string is defined in program)
public Game(string[] lines)
Board = new Board(lines);
public class Game
// Board field
internal Board Board;

// Constructor that takes in 3 strings that represents the board (this string is defined in program)
public Game(string[] lines)
Board = new Board(lines);
Relevant program.cs code: (cannot change this)
Game game = new Game(lines);
if (game.Board.IsValid())
Console.WriteLine($"Valid as hell");
Console.WriteLine(game.HasWinner() ? $"The winner is: {game.GetWinner()}!" : "There is no winner!");
Console.WriteLine("The board is invalid!");
Game game = new Game(lines);
if (game.Board.IsValid())
Console.WriteLine($"Valid as hell");
Console.WriteLine(game.HasWinner() ? $"The winner is: {game.GetWinner()}!" : "There is no winner!");
Console.WriteLine("The board is invalid!");
Just looking for a bit of guidance!
190 Replies
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Your current constructor for the board class seems to do nothing but create a new 3x3 array, which is a valid board. You never use the lines parameter.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
How would i go about using the lines parameter do i create a loop that populates the 3x3 array with the lines parameter? ^^^^ if so how would i do that?
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
You might first want to consider what should happen if lines is not valid. Since you are using a 2d array, you can't meaningfully construct anything valid from a lines array that has 10 items all of varying lengths. Are you taking raw user input? Are you validating it in some way?
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
The input is just read off of the console via ReadLine() And the user input is either X, O or . I apologise for possible poor explaining Iā€™m just having trouble understanding it all myself
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
It's all good. If you want to be able to check validity after construction the board, you could do some checks in the constructor and if lines does not follow the correct format, you could set board to some invalid state. Like making it size 0 or something.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
Ohhhhh So right now the board is just always initialised as 3x3 right So it will never be not valid
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Yes Exactly
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
So you want to check if lines has the proper format, and then use that to fill in the "slots" of your array.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
I guess you first check if lines is of length 3, if each string in it is of length 3, and if no string contains any invalid characters. if any of those are wrong, you set the board to size 0 and return early. That would be a rough solution I guess. Otherwise you can proceed to generate the 3x3 array again and fill it manually. If you are struggling, I could try to whip up a suggestion.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
I do not expect you to spend ample time on it but a rough solution would go a long way I will have a go at it right now as well
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
if(lines.Length != 3 || lines.Any(x => x.Length != 3 || x.All(c => !"XO.".Contains(c)))) {
board = new char[0, 0];
if(lines.Length != 3 || lines.Any(x => x.Length != 3 || x.All(c => !"XO.".Contains(c)))) {
board = new char[0, 0];
Something like this for the first bit I guess. Haven't tested it though.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
that works exactly as intended thanks so much for that! that is one less headache ill try implement the other checks now
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Any questions about how it works or is that reasonably readable?
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
so i understand this part clearly:
board = new char[0, 0];
board = new char[0, 0];
it just sets the board to 0x0 which is obviously invalid so then the isValid() method returns false
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
if (lines.Length != 3 this bit just means if the line length is anything expect 3 followed by or operator ```lines.Any(x => x.Length != 3 x.All(c => !"XO.".Contains(c))))``` this bit is a little confusing but like i kinda understand but cant explain t
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Ok so... Yes, we only want to do execute that block if the lines array is invalid. This is true IF: the number of lines is not 3 OR if the following condition is true for Any of the strings in lines: x is just giving a name to the current string we are checking, so we can refere back to it. so the condition is: if the current string is not of length 3 OR if this additional condition is true for All the elements of the string (i.e. the characters its made of): c is again giving a name to the current element we are checking, in this case the individual characters of the string. For each character, check if the string "XO." contains that character, in other words, if the character c is one of the 3 valid ones. To be clear, x and c are just single letters by convention, you could name them anything you want. x => just says "take each element of the sequence I am working with, name it x and then perform the action to the right of the arrow" very roughly speaking
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
if (lines.Length != 3 || lines.Any(playerInput => playerInput.Length != 3 || playerInput.All(character => !"XO.".Contains(character))))
if (lines.Length != 3 || lines.Any(playerInput => playerInput.Length != 3 || playerInput.All(character => !"XO.".Contains(character))))
i just changed it to that for my brain, thats all good right?
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Yes, that's totally fine.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
i have read everything you said too im not ignoring it just interjecting
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
I got it šŸ˜‰
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
right i think i understand all of that
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
I'm not sure my explanation is all that useful. I probably could have worded it a little better. Just wrote it off the top of my head tbf and I've only just gotten out of bed šŸ˜„
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
no no trust me you made plenty of sense hahaha, even with a fresh brain now i need to implement a few more rules... will this thread stay open for a bit? i might work thru them and send anything i get stuck with (i dont expect you to hang around) just for other people too if they see it
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Oh wait I'm sorry I messed up I think Give me a second
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
no worries no woorries
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
It shoudl stay open yes. I think I twisted the condition around in the wrong way The All method does the wrong check right now It's only true if EVERY character is wrong But we want it to be true if even a single one is off.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
No description
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
No description
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
lucky you caught that
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
My bad, so that really ought to be:
playerInput.Any(character => !"XO.".Contains(character))
playerInput.Any(character => !"XO.".Contains(character))
I meant it to check if ALL characters are valid, but it really should check if ANY characters are not valid, if that makes sense šŸ™‚
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
yep that makes complete sense perfect
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
No description
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
I think you could also remove the ! to achieve the same effect, but this way should be more efficient because it quits early if any strings do not fulfill the condition.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
ohhhhh right
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Generally its going to be faster to check if any of set of values are invalid, than to check if all of them aren't šŸ˜„ Not that it really matters for this tiny size, but its still good to keep in mind.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
ahhh right if its good practice i might as well use it so i get familiar
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
I'm definitely a fan of doing the "proper" thing even if it makes no tangible difference to performance, especially if it adds zero additional complexity to your code. Actually, I lied again.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
I guess just dont listen to me, because I'm a moron Is todays lesson All also quits early. We are literally just inverting the condition. Any quits early, if it finds any string which contains invalid characters. All quits early, if it finds any string which does not contain valid characters. The they do literally the same thing, we are just inverting the condition with !.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
LOL right any will still work for this though thankfully right? becuase as long as theres one that is incorrect, it will be invalid
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
My previous statement still holds, its just not relevant to this use case. In this case we can just do whatever seems more readable to us šŸ˜„
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
its not like we need 3 to be invalid
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
yep i get you
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
One is too much already, and both methods will quite at the first issue. Any -> "I found an invalid one, so thats enough for me", All -> "I found an invalid one, so at least one is invalid meaning they can't all be valid, so thats enough for me" šŸ™‚
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
i presume the first one is supposed to be Any yep haha
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Fixed it šŸ™‚
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
ok that makes sense right i learnt something new today thats great
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Noice So now at any point after that block, your data should be valid and you can construct the board.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
/// Get whether the number of 'X' is equal to or one more than the number of 'O'
int amountX = 0;
int amount0 = 0;

else if ()

/// Get whether the number of 'X' is equal to or one more than the number of 'O'
int amountX = 0;
int amount0 = 0;

else if ()

This is how ive started the next bit, basically X always moves first, so if X has a crazy amount of moves then its also invalid. I've defined these counters prior to the if statement, do you tihnk this is the correct way to go about this? (This is directly below in line with our last statement) yep i did like 20 tests it seems perfect also i understand if you are done helping, no pressure ^^
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
No its fine Public holiday around these parts, and I'm free as a bird.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
ohhh same here sweet as
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
So... you could technically chain this check into the first if Since this is also still part of the validity check for the input. It might make it a little rough to read though, depending on how you do it...
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
ooooo okay i mean what would you recommend if its of any interest- ive mostly split out stuff like this into mulitple statments around other parts of my code, so it would look more like 'me' i guess if i do it seperately but im open to anything
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
In pseudo code something like: if the difference between the sum of the count of "X"s in each string and the count of "O"s in each string is more than 1, return false. I think this is probably not a bad approach. You could do this as a bit of a crude one-liner with more linq methods (like All and Any), but maybe its cleaner to just do it manually. Like you have now, keep a running total of all X's and O's. Loop over the elements of lines. Then in a nested loop, loop over the characters of the current line and add up the X's and O's I guess. after the loops you can check the difference between the two, and maybe once again just set an invalid board and return.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
int amountX = 0;
int amountO = 0;

else if (amountX > amountO + 1 || amountO > amountX)
board = new char[0, 0];
int amountX = 0;
int amountO = 0;

else if (amountX > amountO + 1 || amountO > amountX)
board = new char[0, 0];
ive done this as a start, so i should put this after the loop taht counts up the values?
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Between the variable declations and the if should be the loops. Also, the else needs to go.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
ohh yep removed that
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
You can also directly take the difference like so: Math.Abs(amountX - amountO) > 1
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
ohhh right
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
i.e. take the absolute value (remove sign if negative) of the difference between the two and check if its within a distance of 1
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
does Abs = Absolute Value right
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Yep šŸ™‚
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
right right that seems pretty straight forward so ive got the counts both defined, and that part done just the for loop which is the hard part
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Since you don't need to modify anything about the lines, you could start with a simple foreach.
foreach(var line in lines) {
//check the string `line` here
foreach(var line in lines) {
//check the string `line` here
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
public Board(string[] lines)
// Constructor that creates a 3x3 array of characters (char)
board = new char[3, 3];
int amountX = 0;
int amountO = 0;
// If the number of lines is not 3 OR if the number of columns is not 3 OR if the following condition (contains something other than X, O, or .) is true.
if (lines.Length != 3 || lines.Any(playerInput => playerInput.Length != 3 || playerInput.Any(character => !"XO.".Contains(character))))
// Make the board invalid (literally a 0x0 grid) to pass to the IsValid() method if it violates a rule above.
board = new char[0, 0];

/// Get whether the number of 'X' is equal to or one more than the number of 'O'
foreach line in lines {


if (amountX > amountO + 1 || amountO > amountX)
board = new char[0, 0];

public Board(string[] lines)
// Constructor that creates a 3x3 array of characters (char)
board = new char[3, 3];
int amountX = 0;
int amountO = 0;
// If the number of lines is not 3 OR if the number of columns is not 3 OR if the following condition (contains something other than X, O, or .) is true.
if (lines.Length != 3 || lines.Any(playerInput => playerInput.Length != 3 || playerInput.Any(character => !"XO.".Contains(character))))
// Make the board invalid (literally a 0x0 grid) to pass to the IsValid() method if it violates a rule above.
board = new char[0, 0];

/// Get whether the number of 'X' is equal to or one more than the number of 'O'
foreach line in lines {


if (amountX > amountO + 1 || amountO > amountX)
board = new char[0, 0];

its underlining as if to say the syntax is incorrect, why is that just for the foreach bit
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Oh I'm so sorry. I've been using another language that doesnt use brackets šŸ˜„ foreach(var line in lines) my bad
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
ohhh right no worries! ok thats working
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Now for each string you want to loop over the individual characters.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
foreach(var line in lines)
foreach(char playerInput in line)
if (playerInput = "X")
if (playerInput = "O")
foreach(var line in lines)
foreach(char playerInput in line)
if (playerInput = "X")
if (playerInput = "O")
ive done this but it seems to say "Cannot assign to 'playerInput' because it is a 'foreach iteration variable'
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
== for comparison
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
ohh right, now it says "Operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'char' and 'string'"
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Also, although I don't know if it matters here, you can declare a character literal (rather than a string) by using 'X' instead of "X" Ok so it does matter šŸ˜„
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
ohhhh right maybe that does matter ahahaha
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
I couldn't remember if that was converted automatically. Seems it is not.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
ok right i think thats working
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Another tiny thing, you could make that second if an else if. Currently it gets checked, even if the first one was already true. Its not going to matter, but its arguably more "correct" šŸ™‚
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
ohhhh right so it saves the program checking it unnecessarily
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Yeah Honestly, its so minor, and actually the compiler might even optimize this away, but its still better to be clear about your intention. The condition you are checking might be more involved, to where it actually does matter if you are doing unnecessary work.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
right no i get you
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
In this case, the difference is going to be no more than statistical noise, but still šŸ˜„
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
yep i get you alright sweet i think thats everything i needed for right now
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
thank you so much for explaining everything as you did it, i feel lik ei actually know what ive typed out rather than just getting someone to do it for me and regurgitating it with no idea what im doing
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
That was my hope šŸ™‚ I try to do that as much as I'm capable. Well, let me know if anything else comes up, I'll be happy to take a look.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
you certianly succeeded i will let you know! thanks so much @hiyosilver sorry for the ping!!! just seeing if you are about
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Out and about indeed. What's up?
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
legend alright so ive spent this morning creating all the methods needed for the last bit so in one class, i have a heap of methods such as GetDiagonal(), GetRow() and GetColumn() and in another class, i need to use these classes to read who wins the game (whether the diagonal, row or column = "XXX", "OOO" or other) basically im not sure which part is incorrect at the moment, whether its the GetDiagonal() etc. methods or the GetWinner() method itself ill provide all the code now, its a bit to digest so take as long as you need and feel free to brush it off if its too much Game.cs class:
public bool HasWinner()
// Create a for loop that checks if there is a row, column, or diagonal
// that contains 3 of the same input (e.g. someone has won). Usin inbuilt functions
for(int i = 0; i < 3 ; i++)
if (Board.GetRow(i) == "XXX" || Board.GetRow(i) == "OOO")
return true;
if (Board.GetColumn(i) == "XXX" || Board.GetColumn(i) == "OOO")
return true;

string leftDiagonal = Board.GetDiagonal(true);
string rightDiagonal = Board.GetDiagonal(false);
if (leftDiagonal == "XXX" || leftDiagonal == "OOO")
return true;
if (rightDiagonal == "XXX" || leftDiagonal == "OOO")
return true;

return false;
public string GetWinner()
// Same as HasWinner, except now check all e (Rows, columns, diagonals) again
// and print either "X", "O" or "." depending on the winner
if (!HasWinner())
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (Board.GetRow(i) == "XXX")
return "X";
if (Board.GetRow(i) == "OOO")
return "O";
if (Board.GetColumn(i) == "XXX")
return "X";
if (Board.GetColumn(i) == "OOO")
return "O";

string leftDiagonal = Board.GetDiagonal(true);
string rightDiagonal = Board.GetDiagonal(false);
if (leftDiagonal == "XXX" || rightDiagonal == "XXX")
return "X";
if (leftDiagonal == "OOO" || rightDiagonal == "OOO")
return "O";

return ".";
public bool HasWinner()
// Create a for loop that checks if there is a row, column, or diagonal
// that contains 3 of the same input (e.g. someone has won). Usin inbuilt functions
for(int i = 0; i < 3 ; i++)
if (Board.GetRow(i) == "XXX" || Board.GetRow(i) == "OOO")
return true;
if (Board.GetColumn(i) == "XXX" || Board.GetColumn(i) == "OOO")
return true;

string leftDiagonal = Board.GetDiagonal(true);
string rightDiagonal = Board.GetDiagonal(false);
if (leftDiagonal == "XXX" || leftDiagonal == "OOO")
return true;
if (rightDiagonal == "XXX" || leftDiagonal == "OOO")
return true;

return false;
public string GetWinner()
// Same as HasWinner, except now check all e (Rows, columns, diagonals) again
// and print either "X", "O" or "." depending on the winner
if (!HasWinner())
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (Board.GetRow(i) == "XXX")
return "X";
if (Board.GetRow(i) == "OOO")
return "O";
if (Board.GetColumn(i) == "XXX")
return "X";
if (Board.GetColumn(i) == "OOO")
return "O";

string leftDiagonal = Board.GetDiagonal(true);
string rightDiagonal = Board.GetDiagonal(false);
if (leftDiagonal == "XXX" || rightDiagonal == "XXX")
return "X";
if (leftDiagonal == "OOO" || rightDiagonal == "OOO")
return "O";

return ".";
Board.cs class:
/// <summary>
/// Get the string representation of a row of the board, with 0 being the top row and 2 being the bottom row
/// </summary>
/// <param name="row">The row number</param>
/// <returns>The string representation of a row of the board</returns>
public string GetRow(int row)
// We need to convert the int row values into string values. (0 - 2)
// Will use the same loop for row and column, basically you define the row/column string as empty,
// then we pass this through a loop that iterates between the three rows/columns between -1 and 3 (0 < 3)
// and this append the value (column or row) via the += operator to each individual string.
string rowString = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
rowString += board[row, i];
return rowString;

/// <summary>
/// Get the string representation of a column of the board, with 0 being the left column and 2 being the right column
/// </summary>
/// <param name="column">The column number</param>
/// <returns>The string representation of a column of the board</returns>
public string GetColumn(int column)
string columnString = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
columnString += board[column, i];
return columnString;

/// <summary>
/// Get the string representation of a diagonal of the board
/// </summary>
/// <param name="topLeftToBottomRight">Whether the diagonal is from top left to bottom right</param>
/// <returns>The string representation of a diagonal of the board</returns>
/// Only difference here is that I have to use the topLeftToBottomRight in an if or else statement becuase
/// theres only 2 possible ways diagonals can go.
public string GetDiagonal(bool topLeftToBottomRight)
string diagonalString = "";

if (topLeftToBottomRight)
for (int i = 0; i < board.GetLength(0); i++)
diagonalString += board[i, i];
for (int i=0; i < board.GetLength(0); i++)
diagonalString += board[i, board.GetLength(1) -1 -i];
return diagonalString;

/// <summary>
/// Check if a string is homogeneous, i.e. all characters in the string are the same
/// </summary>
/// <param name="line">The string to check for homogeneity</param>
public static bool IsHomogeneous(string line)
if (line == "XXX" || line == "OOO") return true;
else return false;
/// <summary>
/// Get the string representation of a row of the board, with 0 being the top row and 2 being the bottom row
/// </summary>
/// <param name="row">The row number</param>
/// <returns>The string representation of a row of the board</returns>
public string GetRow(int row)
// We need to convert the int row values into string values. (0 - 2)
// Will use the same loop for row and column, basically you define the row/column string as empty,
// then we pass this through a loop that iterates between the three rows/columns between -1 and 3 (0 < 3)
// and this append the value (column or row) via the += operator to each individual string.
string rowString = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
rowString += board[row, i];
return rowString;

/// <summary>
/// Get the string representation of a column of the board, with 0 being the left column and 2 being the right column
/// </summary>
/// <param name="column">The column number</param>
/// <returns>The string representation of a column of the board</returns>
public string GetColumn(int column)
string columnString = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
columnString += board[column, i];
return columnString;

/// <summary>
/// Get the string representation of a diagonal of the board
/// </summary>
/// <param name="topLeftToBottomRight">Whether the diagonal is from top left to bottom right</param>
/// <returns>The string representation of a diagonal of the board</returns>
/// Only difference here is that I have to use the topLeftToBottomRight in an if or else statement becuase
/// theres only 2 possible ways diagonals can go.
public string GetDiagonal(bool topLeftToBottomRight)
string diagonalString = "";

if (topLeftToBottomRight)
for (int i = 0; i < board.GetLength(0); i++)
diagonalString += board[i, i];
for (int i=0; i < board.GetLength(0); i++)
diagonalString += board[i, board.GetLength(1) -1 -i];
return diagonalString;

/// <summary>
/// Check if a string is homogeneous, i.e. all characters in the string are the same
/// </summary>
/// <param name="line">The string to check for homogeneity</param>
public static bool IsHomogeneous(string line)
if (line == "XXX" || line == "OOO") return true;
else return false;
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
I was distracted making breakfast for a bit, I'll check it out now šŸ™‚
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
no worries and no rush, please enjoy your breakfast first
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Thanks! So... about this Just to clarify, you say you aren't sure what is incorrect about it? What exactly isn't working as you expect?
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
alright so basically yesterday we fixed the validity issue and thats all fine today, when i enter a game for instance (a valid game where the winner should be X): OXX OOX . . X it returns that there is no winner
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
I see
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
no matter what i put in, if the game is valid, it is always no winner
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
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pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
I had this conversation with this person as well, they introduced me to the debugger but to be honest im kinda inexpreienced and dont understand how to mak eit work for me
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
I was just about to suggest that aswell
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
No rush, it can be a bit rough to wrap your head around at first. Just generally its probably a good idea to get used to it, when you eventually run into a problem where you simply need to use it But maybe we can untangle this particluar issue by just looking at the code šŸ™‚ As a first step I would suggest a simplification
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
right what exactly would you suggest first
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
HasWinner and GetWinner share basically all of their logic You could combine them into a single method, by adding an out parameter to HasWinner(). Like so:
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
ahhh i see just a note sorry; for the outlines of this task i must use them as two seperate functions as they are both called invidiually in the Program.cs and i am not permitted to atler that
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Oh, its a requirement Never mind then šŸ˜„
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
yep yep haha i shouldve said that a minute earlier sorry about that basically all the methods ive got are required
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
So you are not allowed to change their signatures either? as in, add parameters to them?
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
we can add parameters yeah when i started the code, get winner looked like this GetWinner() { HandleExceptionSomething(something); } it was like a placeholder thing so i can do whatever id like within that
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
public bool HasWinner(out string winner)
// Create a for loop that checks if there is a row, column, or diagonal
// that contains 3 of the same input (e.g. someone has won). Usin inbuilt functions
for(int i = 0; i < 3 ; i++)
if (Board.GetRow(i) == "XXX" || Board.GetColumn(i) == "XXX")
winner = "X";
return true;
if (Board.GetRow(i) == "OOO" || Board.GetColumn(i) == "OOO")
winner ="O";
return true;

string leftDiagonal = Board.GetDiagonal(true);
string rightDiagonal = Board.GetDiagonal(false);
if (leftDiagonal == "XXX" || rightDiagonal == "XXX") {
winner ="X";
return true;
if (leftDiagonal == "OOO" || rightDiagonal == "OOO") {
winner ="O";
return true;

winner = string.Empty;
return false;
public bool HasWinner(out string winner)
// Create a for loop that checks if there is a row, column, or diagonal
// that contains 3 of the same input (e.g. someone has won). Usin inbuilt functions
for(int i = 0; i < 3 ; i++)
if (Board.GetRow(i) == "XXX" || Board.GetColumn(i) == "XXX")
winner = "X";
return true;
if (Board.GetRow(i) == "OOO" || Board.GetColumn(i) == "OOO")
winner ="O";
return true;

string leftDiagonal = Board.GetDiagonal(true);
string rightDiagonal = Board.GetDiagonal(false);
if (leftDiagonal == "XXX" || rightDiagonal == "XXX") {
winner ="X";
return true;
if (leftDiagonal == "OOO" || rightDiagonal == "OOO") {
winner ="O";
return true;

winner = string.Empty;
return false;
If you did something like this If you have to do the checking logic anyway, you might aswell write the winner to an out parameter right away In this case, an extra GetWinner method is redundant, but if you have to have it you could just do
public string GetWinner() {
if(HasWinner(out string winner)) {
return winner;
return ".";
public string GetWinner() {
if(HasWinner(out string winner)) {
return winner;
return ".";
Well, ok, this is not going to help you with your current problem, so maybe I'm moving in the wrong direction atm šŸ˜„
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
hahaha ur all good its no owrries, its very inteersting if nothing else
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
I'll actually look at the rest now
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
alrighty thanks so much let me know if you need anything else ^
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
So the person you talked to earlier suggested that the board might simply be empty Just out of interest, could you put something like Console.WriteLine($"Line: {diagonalString}"); in your GetDiagonal method? Just to see what the value of the string is just before it gets returned? If debugging is too annoying, a few judiciously placed print statements often do the trick šŸ™‚
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
sorry ill do that write now i got sidetracked i like that idea ill do that right now not write now* interesting
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
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pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
that is what is outputted
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Yeah so it seems like the board is in fact empty Can you show the current workflow for getting from inputting a board to the array being filled? maybe you are still missing the actual construction after the validation *of the input
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
would this be in the constructorS?
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
I suppose so It was yesterday, if I recall correctly šŸ™‚
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
okay so this is the board constructor in Board.cs:
/// <summary>
/// Constructor of the Board class. Fill the 2D board of characters using the lines array of strings.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lines">The array of strings to fill the 2D board of characters</param>
public Board(string[] lines)
// Constructor that creates a 3x3 array of characters (char)
board = new char[3, 3];
// Define two variables to count up the players moves before the for loop
int amountX = 0;
int amountO = 0;

// If the number of lines is not 3 OR if the number of columns is not 3 OR if the following condition (contains something other than X, O, or .) is true.
if (lines.Length != 3 || lines.Any(playerInput => playerInput.Length != 3 || playerInput.Any(character => !"XO.".Contains(character))))
// Make the board invalid (literally a 0x0 grid) to pass to the IsValid() method if it violates a rule above.
board = new char[0, 0];

/// Get whether the number of 'X' is equal to or one more than the number of 'O'
foreach(var line in lines)
foreach(char playerInput in line)
if (playerInput == 'X')
else if (playerInput == 'O')

if (amountX > amountO + 1 || amountO > amountX)
board = new char[0, 0];

/// <summary>
/// Constructor of the Board class. Fill the 2D board of characters using the lines array of strings.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lines">The array of strings to fill the 2D board of characters</param>
public Board(string[] lines)
// Constructor that creates a 3x3 array of characters (char)
board = new char[3, 3];
// Define two variables to count up the players moves before the for loop
int amountX = 0;
int amountO = 0;

// If the number of lines is not 3 OR if the number of columns is not 3 OR if the following condition (contains something other than X, O, or .) is true.
if (lines.Length != 3 || lines.Any(playerInput => playerInput.Length != 3 || playerInput.Any(character => !"XO.".Contains(character))))
// Make the board invalid (literally a 0x0 grid) to pass to the IsValid() method if it violates a rule above.
board = new char[0, 0];

/// Get whether the number of 'X' is equal to or one more than the number of 'O'
foreach(var line in lines)
foreach(char playerInput in line)
if (playerInput == 'X')
else if (playerInput == 'O')

if (amountX > amountO + 1 || amountO > amountX)
board = new char[0, 0];

how do i send code like you so its easier to read btw with colours
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
if you are using the three backticks block you can just put "cs" after the first 3
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
ahhhh and this is the only construcotr in the Game.cs Class:
public class Game
// Board field
internal Board Board;

// Constructor that takes in 3 strings that represents the board (this string is defined in program)
public Game(string[] lines)
Board = new Board(lines);
public class Game
// Board field
internal Board Board;

// Constructor that takes in 3 strings that represents the board (this string is defined in program)
public Game(string[] lines)
Board = new Board(lines);
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Yeah so, this looks like it still doesn't ever set a valid board.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
i see
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
It does all the checks against the input and invalidates the board if its wrong, but it never uses the values to construct a correct board. That should be at the end below the last conditional thats checking the counts of X's and O's
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
ooooooohhhhhhhh so basically all it does is creates this value that says valid or not and it never actually creates the game so none of my methods() can even do anything meaningful
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
So really just two nested loops with 3 steps each, then assign board[x, y] = lines[x][y] Or something like that
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
ahhh right
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Yep, thats the issue šŸ™‚ Your logic is probably fine, you just have no valid data to work on.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
As a sanity check, you could add a "Print" method to your Board class. that uses Console.Writes's to print out the state of the board line by line.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
right so where abouts would i integrate that im having trouble seeing where OR would it be in the loop i create itself
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Integrate the construction of the array or the printing?
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
the printing i mean both but that was directed at the printing haha
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Well for the print, you would just put a new method in the Board class, like the constructor:
public void Print() {
for(int x = 0; x < board.GetLength(0); x++) {
for(int y = 0; y < board.GetLength(1); y++) {
Console.Write(board[x, y]);
public void Print() {
for(int x = 0; x < board.GetLength(0); x++) {
for(int y = 0; y < board.GetLength(1); y++) {
Console.Write(board[x, y]);
But I would focus on creating the board for now šŸ˜›
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
ok ok haha i will have a go at it.....
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
I edited my post to show roughly what I mean. You could use a similar approach for building the board array. Except instead of write you assign to board[x, y]
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
sorry its just taking me a second to figure out how to write it haha
for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++)
for (int column = 0; column < 3; column++)
board[row, column] = 'X';
for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++)
for (int column = 0; column < 3; column++)
board[row, column] = 'X';
ive got this at the moment but it looks noting like yours im just testing with making them all X is that fundamentally what that does
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Yeah, this is totally fine. In fact probably better. You have already checked for validity, so you know its 3x3, no need to get dimensions again šŸ™‚ Now instead of assigning X, you need to get the corresponding character from the correct row (aka the string lines[row])
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
right oh wait so does that mean my two for statements dont matter becuase we already know its 3x3... my brains a little slow right now im having trouble writing it
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
No, they are fine. I just meant, checking against a limit of 3 explicitly makes more sense, rather than getting the dimensions again like I did.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
ohhhh right yep yep i get that ok
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
You could just do board[0, 0] = lines[0][0] or something, for each of the 9 boxes, but thats just ugly. The loops are the better approach šŸ˜„
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
ohhhh that makes sesne right
for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++)
for (int column = 0; column < 3; column++)
board[row, column] = lines[row][column];

for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++)
for (int column = 0; column < 3; column++)
board[row, column] = lines[row][column];

so like that?
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
I think so. Give it a whirl and see if the print statement from earlier now gives the proper result. Or anything at all would be nice šŸ˜„
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
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pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
still saying the same thing let me refresh and make sure
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Crap... :/
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
yeah still saying that... damn.
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Can you put another WriteLine
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
sure, where abouts
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Console.WriteLine($"{lines[row][column]}"); after where you assign, just so we can see each character as its beign assigned
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
public Board(string[] lines)
// Constructor that creates a 3x3 array of characters (char)
board = new char[3, 3];
// Define two variables to count up the players moves before the for loop
int amountX = 0;
int amountO = 0;

// If the number of lines is not 3 OR if the number of columns is not 3 OR if the following condition (contains something other than X, O, or .) is true.
if (lines.Length != 3 || lines.Any(playerInput => playerInput.Length != 3 || playerInput.Any(character => !"XO.".Contains(character))))
// Make the board invalid (literally a 0x0 grid) to pass to the IsValid() method if it violates a rule above.
board = new char[0, 0];

/// Get whether the number of 'X' is equal to or one more than the number of 'O'
foreach(var line in lines)
foreach(char playerInput in line)
if (playerInput == 'X')
else if (playerInput == 'O')

if (amountX > amountO + 1 || amountO > amountX)
board = new char[0, 0];

for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++)
for (int column = 0; column < 3; column++)
board[row, column] = lines[row][column];


public Board(string[] lines)
// Constructor that creates a 3x3 array of characters (char)
board = new char[3, 3];
// Define two variables to count up the players moves before the for loop
int amountX = 0;
int amountO = 0;

// If the number of lines is not 3 OR if the number of columns is not 3 OR if the following condition (contains something other than X, O, or .) is true.
if (lines.Length != 3 || lines.Any(playerInput => playerInput.Length != 3 || playerInput.Any(character => !"XO.".Contains(character))))
// Make the board invalid (literally a 0x0 grid) to pass to the IsValid() method if it violates a rule above.
board = new char[0, 0];

/// Get whether the number of 'X' is equal to or one more than the number of 'O'
foreach(var line in lines)
foreach(char playerInput in line)
if (playerInput == 'X')
else if (playerInput == 'O')

if (amountX > amountO + 1 || amountO > amountX)
board = new char[0, 0];

for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++)
for (int column = 0; column < 3; column++)
board[row, column] = lines[row][column];


Just interjecting- is it in the right spot before we try anything else? oh! interesting
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
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hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Should be correct yes Ok that looks good The code is reached, and the characters look right. Well you can remove that so it doesnt spam your console šŸ˜„ Can you post just your diagonal method again? So I don't have to scroll up.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
yep sure! sorry was grabbing some water
public string GetDiagonal(bool topLeftToBottomRight)
string diagonalString = "";
Console.WriteLine($"Line: {diagonalString}");

if (topLeftToBottomRight)
for (int i = 0; i < board.GetLength(0); i++)
diagonalString += board[i, i];
for (int i=0; i < board.GetLength(0); i++)
diagonalString += board[i, board.GetLength(1) -1 -i];
return diagonalString;
public string GetDiagonal(bool topLeftToBottomRight)
string diagonalString = "";
Console.WriteLine($"Line: {diagonalString}");

if (topLeftToBottomRight)
for (int i = 0; i < board.GetLength(0); i++)
diagonalString += board[i, i];
for (int i=0; i < board.GetLength(0); i++)
diagonalString += board[i, board.GetLength(1) -1 -i];
return diagonalString;
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Oh I see šŸ˜„ Sorry I should have been more explicit. The print statement needs to be at the bottom Just before the return Or the string is only ever going to empty. So it seems like this discovered a bug by accident xD
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
OH whoops haha
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
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pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
so thats correct i think top left to bottom right and vise versa
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Looks good Now it still says there is no winner apparently.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
yeah.... i might try one where someone wins diagonally give me one sec oh! it works diagonally
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
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hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
FYI, there might be a bug in your code for getting rows and columns, but we'll see when we get there. I saw it earlier and forgot to mention. GetRow and GetColumn both access the first dimension of the board array.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
ohhhh riiight shall i put a print statement similiar to waht you did for the diagonals on the end of the getrow function first? and then the getcolumn once we figure that out>
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
also is this the bug you were talkng about
No description
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
it should be [i, column] instead right
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
So sorry, I got distracted Yes I believe that should do it. or switch the other one maybe. I always get confused by what is what in 2d arrays.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
All good Iā€™ve had to head out briefly anyway so it works out Iā€™ll put a readline through to make sure they are reading the right ones
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
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pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
with the current implementation, this is what is returned
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Looks good-ish?
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
i think its all sorted then now let me run it through some tests to make sure
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Remember to clean up any superfluous console writes afterwards šŸ™‚
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
yep i just did that haha thank you
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
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pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
so the ONLY case is when O wins by reverse diagonal so from top right to bottom left this is the only time it returns an incorrect response
public string GetDiagonal(bool topLeftToBottomRight)
string diagonalString = "";

if (topLeftToBottomRight)
for (int i = 0; i < board.GetLength(0); i++)
diagonalString += board[i, i];
for (int i=0; i < board.GetLength(0); i++)
diagonalString += board[i, board.GetLength(1) -1 -i];
return diagonalString;
public string GetDiagonal(bool topLeftToBottomRight)
string diagonalString = "";

if (topLeftToBottomRight)
for (int i = 0; i < board.GetLength(0); i++)
diagonalString += board[i, i];
for (int i=0; i < board.GetLength(0); i++)
diagonalString += board[i, board.GetLength(1) -1 -i];
return diagonalString;
thats the diagaonal thing once again
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Where is the comparison? Where the result of this is actually checked. It might be as easy a flipped condition somewhere.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
public bool HasWinner()
// Create a for loop that checks if there is a row, column, or diagonal
// that contains 3 of the same input (e.g. someone has won). Usin inbuilt functions
for(int i = 0; i < 3 ; i++)
if (Board.GetRow(i) == "XXX" || Board.GetRow(i) == "OOO")
return true;
if (Board.GetColumn(i) == "XXX" || Board.GetColumn(i) == "OOO")
return true;

string leftDiagonal = Board.GetDiagonal(true);
string rightDiagonal = Board.GetDiagonal(false);
if (leftDiagonal == "XXX" || leftDiagonal == "OOO")
return true;
if (rightDiagonal == "XXX" || leftDiagonal == "OOO")
return true;

return false;
public bool HasWinner()
// Create a for loop that checks if there is a row, column, or diagonal
// that contains 3 of the same input (e.g. someone has won). Usin inbuilt functions
for(int i = 0; i < 3 ; i++)
if (Board.GetRow(i) == "XXX" || Board.GetRow(i) == "OOO")
return true;
if (Board.GetColumn(i) == "XXX" || Board.GetColumn(i) == "OOO")
return true;

string leftDiagonal = Board.GetDiagonal(true);
string rightDiagonal = Board.GetDiagonal(false);
if (leftDiagonal == "XXX" || leftDiagonal == "OOO")
return true;
if (rightDiagonal == "XXX" || leftDiagonal == "OOO")
return true;

return false;
perhaps the logic is off ehre?
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
yes it is
if (leftDiagonal == "XXX" || leftDiagonal == "OOO")
return true;
if (rightDiagonal == "XXX" || leftDiagonal == "OOO")
return true;
if (leftDiagonal == "XXX" || leftDiagonal == "OOO")
return true;
if (rightDiagonal == "XXX" || leftDiagonal == "OOO")
return true;
should be
return leftDiagonal == "XXX" || leftDiagonal == "OOO" || rightDiagonal == "XXX" || rightDiagonal== "OOO";
return leftDiagonal == "XXX" || leftDiagonal == "OOO" || rightDiagonal == "XXX" || rightDiagonal== "OOO";
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
oh wait omg its right in front of me yeah haha ive got two left diaongals for the OOO
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
yes you could just change that too šŸ™‚
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
ill do you way it looks a little nicer haha your*
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
My suggestion just shortens it a little more. If you are evaluating a boolean expression and returning a boolean based on the result, you can just return the expression directly in a single line.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
ahhhh right i assume thats good/common practice too?
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
In my capacity as just some guy hobbyist amateur, I say yes. No just kidding, yes I'm pretty confident in claiming that returning boolean expressions directly is the idiomatic way of doing it.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
hahaha alright ill take your word for it alright the program passes all 18 possible combinations im all done now! thanks so much for your help over the past day, i am truly indebtted
hiyosilverā€¢9mo ago
Happy to help šŸ™‚ Good luck with any further projects! Feel free to hit me up if you are stuck on anything else. No guarantees I can help, but I can atleast take a look.
pikauOPā€¢9mo ago
thanks so much, i appreciate that immensely... i will let you know! have a good rest of your day :)
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