mfad12mo ago
Zal ;(

Need to overhaul my shoe wardrobe

Howdy, As it sits, I have like 4 pairs of shoes, but they're all white. A pair of GATs, a pair of Stan Smiths, a pair Adidas Boosts, a pair of Saucony running shoes (for the gym, exclusively lol). Every single pair is white. I gotta branch out. I've got a $500 budget. I was wondering if there was a recommendation list that you guys had. Similar to the basic bastard guide or whatever, a "we suggest you own these items." I'm aware I should get some boots probably, and some non white sneakers, so I'm eyeballing some Meermin boots and NB sneakers. But outside of that, I'm a bit clueless. Any suggestions are appreciated.
7 Replies
sharloy12mo ago
Black derbies or tylorean shoes
zeometer12mo ago
what are you wearing for formal occasions? to me that strikes me as the greatest area of opportunity and as char says black derbies (or loafers or oxfords depending on preference) are a good option as such
Zal ;(
Zal ;(OP12mo ago
I have a pair of Target dress shoes that are a size too small. Definitely something I could stand to invest in. Should I take a quality or quantity approach? For $300 I could get, like, 1 new pair of meermins or something, or 2 pairs of secondhand Allen Edmonds on eBay
zeometer12mo ago
depends on how often you wear formal shoes granted quality vs quantity isn't necessarily a binary, there are excellent quality shoes on AE shoe bank or ebay (as mentioned) but beyond that 'what shoes to get' are really a matter of personal preference and whatever else you wear (unless you live somewhere with ice and snow in which case i'd spring for boots)
Zal ;(
Zal ;(OP12mo ago
Not extremely often. I'd say a few times a year. I plan on gradually leaning into more prep clothing, so it might be worth the investment eventually. But we're also going into summertime and our summers are very hot and humid. So perhaps I'll focus on sneakers, get at least one very nice pair of dress shoes, and then some other more lightweight shoes like espadrilles or something.
Thekingofjef12mo ago
Might be helpful to know where my about you live and what stage of life you're in. My first thought went to a pair of boots of some kind. I find meermins boots a bit too sleek for my taste though
Zal ;(
Zal ;(OP12mo ago
Midwest, 27 year old computer programmer/IT guy

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