Help with game error!
Hello, I keep encountering this error (screenshot), and cant figure out how to fix it. I have followed every tutorial i can find, and secure boot & tpm are enabled in my bios, idk what to even try?

17 Replies
do u have windows 11?
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss
it says "off" here, but ive literally got it enabled in bios

Get back into the bios. Use ur phone to chat here
Guys I'm confused

Set secure boot mode to custom
Then install default secure boot keys
My valorant crashes on high settings despite my pc having 16 gb 3200 mhz ram, Rx 6600, and Ryzen 5 5600 (Allocating memory something is the problem)

Did u install the keys?
If yes then save and exit
Leave the thing as custom? (Tutorials said not to when I looked earlier)
Leave it as custom
looks like its workign now, thanks!