Empty DTO list from swagger
For some reason whatever list of sizes I input, it always tells me in the debugger that the list of ProductCreateSizeRequests is empty.
16 Replies
it sees every image from the images list, but no sizes
What does ProductCreateSizeRequest look like?
public class ProductCreateSizeRequest
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Count { get; set; }
Does it work if your Json uses Name and Count instead of name and count ?
Oh wait
You need square brackets for a List
yeah but shouldn't the swagger already consider it as an array?
it works for images " -F 'Images=@pexels-photo-991679 (1).jpeg;type=image/jpeg' \
-F 'Images=@pexels-photo-991679 (1).jpeg;type=image/jpeg' \
-F 'Images=@pexels-photo-991679 (1).jpeg;type=image/jpeg'"
it should work for dto's
"-F 'Sizes={
"Name": "da",
"Count": 0
}' \
-F 'Sizes={
"name": "string",
"count": 0
}' "
i tried like this
still nothing
You specified it twice?
the other one's empty
let me try
only once
dont think itll make a difference tho
yeah no differenc
i dont think thats the problem
i suppose i'll just make a different endpoint
to add the sizes
and not do it in the same one
if u find a solution
DM me please
anyone knows how to fix this?