CSS Default (initial) values for every single HTML5 tag

Hey everyone ! This might seems like a useless question but i was wondering if someone knows about an actual complete list of the CSS properties applied by default on each element type of HTML5 ? Just like this https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_default_values.php but i while looking at it there is nothing mentionned for the button element, but when removing every style from one button it becomes this (1st picture), but which properties has to be set and how to get this button style (2nd picture) ?
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2 Replies
Kevin Powell
Kevin Powell11mo ago
Here's all the user agent styles for Chrome. They're very similar in Safari. Firefox probably has a few differences, but nothing major. https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/blink/+/master/Source/core/css/html.css
AstroOP11mo ago
Hey thanks a lot Kevin ! 🙏🏼

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