hi guys can someone help me with van restriction problem? its showing me to enable tpm 2.0 and secure boot even though i am on windows 10 and my pc doesnt support both of them

44 Replies
@jidat (i am really sorry for the ping)
Press win+r on keyboard
Type msinfo32
Show screenshot of the app that opens
Press win+r on keyboard
Type tpm.msc
Show ss

That pc is ancient
lmao ik it worked fine for years
now its causing problems
i get around 60fps after changing the resolution and i play it from years but it suddenly started giving me this error? please help me i cant play valorant from like a month
So first of all
Ur pc simply doesn't support TPM 2.0
That thing is so ancient that it might give issues trying to turn secure boot on
Do u even have a secure boot option in ur bios?
no lmao
Then u can't do anything
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
Make a ticket and show them these
And tell them u don't have a TPM chip and no option to turn securd boot on in the bios
Show this too
i contacted valorant support and they told me to disable Addressing Virtualization-based security (VBS) settings on Windows 10 but it still didnt work
i already contacted them and i created a new ticket today
Yeah u need to email back to them and say u disabled it and show it being disabled in msinfo32
Did u show them msinfo32 and tpm.msc?
Also told them u simply don't have an option to turn them on?
yea i did
nope i will

help me rn
what do i do bro
@911 Tech Support
You Have Old Pc
I think you Cant run Game
no it did run it
i used to play this game from years
@911 Tech Support
Do u wanna hear it for the 100th time?
Contact support
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
There is absolutely nothing u can do to turn secure boot and tpm on
And i mean it
like cant we switch it to UEFI ?
oh ok
i did
I don't think there is even an option for him to do that
Also there is no secure boot option to turn on
umm why
So switching to uefi will do absolutely nothing
Cuz its a shitty mobo
oh ise
Throw that shit out of the window
lol but some other ppls have similar specs but it works on them
cause they have Secure boot ?
Their account simply hasn't gotten restricted
and why did mine get restricted?
ohh lol
Thats why i am telling him to contact support to lift the restriction on his account
Who knows
oh i see
damn llol
Its based on the trust factor of ur account
oh ok
i just hope it fixes
How the trust factor works for this?
I have no fucking idea