Cloudflare MFA Codes are not sent
I have lost my Cloudflare's MFA codes, so I raised the request to send the codes again. For this I have verified my device, and cloudflare mentions that within 5 days the codes will be sent. It has been almost a month since I raised a request, and since then I'm continously raising it every 5 days, but till now I haven't got my codes, so do anyone have an idea of how I can recover my account?
11 Replies
Zero trust?
Yes, and DNS also.
Basically of
:0082anime_huh: the backup codes can be downloaded from the Website directly
I cannot login to my account, so how can I download them?
Then thats bad and as far I know CloudFlare cant really do something due to security reasons
So, why cloudflare gives this message?

Then get in contact with cloudflare by contacting the support. Because nobody here can do something about that except to say get in contact with support or wait
That's my question, how can I reach them?
To raise the support request, I need to login to, but that's my issue that I'm not able to login to
Then create a new one and do it with that but add your email address from the Cloudflare account you don't jave access to it.
My old account had various configurations that I did over time, can those configurations be transfered to the new account, that I will be creating?
At first just get in contact with the support