Valorant wont launch after turning off csm support
i was told to turn on secure boot and when i turned that on and tried to launch valorant and it opened in task manager but won't show the actual game (i tried every tutorial in youtube already)
146 Replies
i mean i turned it off
yes i tried that
yeah i did
it said valorant.exe and when i opened the file location it was win64 shipping exe
ye i tried that too
I really cant find the problem
i tried everything
i turned off all my background apps and startup apps
except vgc and riot
i have
have you set os mode to windows
also set keys to factory defalut
yes ive done that
how do u do that?
in another one
im lagging in DC too lol
alright i just did it lemme try
it didnt work 😦
no its not fixing send ss

good and DIS m?

ok let it complete

there ya go
reboot pc
adn open from client
still didnt work :/
@jidat donate me your IQ please
Is ur riot client opening?
Do u have anything checked in compatibility tab for valorant and valorant win64 shipping and riot client?
and i also did it for the shortcuts
Open valorant win64 shipping

im getting this error for some reason
Open cmd (Command Propmt) as admin and enter:
icacls "C:\Users\Brandon\Downloads\riotgames2\Riot Games\VALORANT" /grant Users:F /t /c
Show result
there u go

oh wait oops
i missed somethng out

Close cmd
Try to open valorant win64 shipping again
wheres the cr
What cr
im still getting the same error for some reason

Restart ur pc
but still the same error

Also why is its path so strange
Move it to where u are when u first open the C drive
lol i tried everything to fix it
do i have to uninstall or do i just move the folder
Move it
yep done
done also
Why are there 2 of u messaging
im also problem
idk who that is
same problemo
I never gave the command for urs
its fine
Wdym its fine
U never typed in the command that u were supposed to
i was doing allong with him
mine works now
his is stil broken
How is urs working lmao
Open valorant win64 shipping again
yup still getting the same problem

Whats the riot games2
thats where my val is
Take the actual riot games folder outta that
alright done
Restart ur pc
still same error

Open valorant folder
Then live
Right click on valorant.exe
Then properties
Then compatibility
Show ss

there u go
Run compatibility troubleshooter

should i click yes?

yes right?
Also when it asks u to test the program
Click the program started successfully

its not asking that for some reason
I forgot its win11 lol
alright done

still same error :/
Show its compatibility settings

Try opening valorant win64 shipping
still the same LOL

Right click on valorant win64 shipping
Run compatibility troubleshooter

Did u run the troubleshooter?
Open riot client
yea i can open it fine
Click play for valorant
See if it gives u an error
its showing this

Go there
To the live folder
Right click on valorant
Then properties
Then compatibility
Uncheck every box there
alright done
Open through riot client again
its showing this now

Go to the win64 folder where valorant win64 shipping is located
Right click on valorant win64 shipping
Then properties
Then compatibility
Show ss

Uncheck all of them
Then apply
Try opening through riot client once again
it didnt show an error
but its doing that weird glitch again where its showing in task manager
but u cant see the actual game
Give it like 10 minutes
I'm having this same problem and nothing I've tried has helped at all
still not working :/ i dont see valorant
Show ur task manager

Is ur vpn on?
What antivirus are u running?
i dont think im running any
excpet windows antivirus
Open valorant win64 shipping

Run it as admin
still the same :/

Close riot client using the task manager
Also boostrap package
Then open riot client as admin
alright do i run valorant?
Yes click play
yea still like running in task manager but i dont see it
Uninstall the game
And place it in the actual correct position
Hell yeah
@mythea why is he gone
They were banned from the server
For what
this is the right position right?

yeah im still getting the same issue fuckkk
oh shit i think i tried every soltuioin alrdy
Can you show me the error you are getting?

like when i run valorant it would just show in the task manager
but u cant actually see the game

You have two riot clients?
umm i dont think so? i think i js spammed it and opened multiple?
That shouldn't be possible
Also did you just reinstall riot client or the actual game?
oh ill check
the actual game
oh wait no it was the riot repair tool
it wasnt another riot client