help me link the domain to the server, please
help me please
what to do next, please see what I did
98 Replies
In CloudFlare DNS management, you would Add Record.
Type: A | Name: @ | IPv4: WAN_IP
Type: AAAA | Name: @ | IPv6: WAN_IP
If you're using CloudFlare SSL, you would proxy it. If everything is correct you would have an entry like this:
A | | | Proxied
The site should load properly if the domain, firewall and server is setup correctly.
add record Type: A | Name: @ | IPv4: WAN_IP ?
You have to create an A record that points to the IP address of your server
i have A record

Then it should work
And what's next?
Your website should be accessible with the domain
can you show me in detail please
www can be CNAME pointing to
and you can set a rule to forward www
You need to change your nameserver first
It's still pointing to your hosting company
@Chaika can you delete that forgot to change it to private :GammaSweat:
what this?
Yes, if you proxy through cloudflare you must use their SSL and to use their SSL you need to change nameserver v alues to the ones CloudFlare provides through your domain seller.
Anything proxied through cloudflare will expect the above.
It's just getting your DNS records
But you need to change your nameserver settings at your hosting provider
Changing name server allows CloudFlare to manage your DNS for you.
Otherwise you'd be setting your DNS up with your domain seller.
1. Change your Nameserver Records at your hosting provider to your Nameserver you got from Cloudflare
2. Wait ~24-48h if it doesn't work directly
3. Try again

It should be quick, obtain the nameservers CloudFlare wants you to assign to your domain seller by scrolling down past DNS area in cloudflare you'll see Cloudflare nameservers. Copy t hose
Yes copy those and submit them to your domain seller to replace the NS
Then get the SSL from cloudflare, host it on your server and done if everything is set correctly.
ill let you handle this isn't that helpful when two people are trying to help x3
Yeah apologies; if you want this it's straight forward enough; I'm tending to a mediaserver that is experiencing outages right now.

Where did you buy the domain?
and what's next?
Go to that site and update the nameservers for the domain.
on reg ru?
Okay so go to that website and log in yes.
If you bought the domain from them, go log in
and navigate to your DNS area, or where you can update the nameservers will provide their own, we're just now going to switch them out for CloudFlare's!
So you'd set on under your domain the following new nameservers(ns)

I'm confused because you're writing so fast..
and what's next?
I can slow it down, so you may had seen for example and with that image you've switched them out for

im russian..
Yeah the barrier is tough I am looking at the site help page now.
And everything is in Russian

Do you understand what I hope?
Okay so that part looked right, save the new nameservers over-top of the ones assigned.
I understand what you want.
With that all saved you should sync up with Cloudflare soon to use the DNS they provide and their amazing features.
And what do I need to do it all over again?
I'm sorry for asking such stupid questions..
No no, as long as you set that area where red box selected to the following nameservers and saved it:
You may go back to CloudFlare and re-check nameservers, or await an email for sync.
I'm checking my email
In the image I'm replying to there's a button, try clicking that it'll scan your name servers again; if all checks out it should work no issues.

It was March 14th..
We could not add to your account because your nameservers (NS) are not yet pointing to Cloudflare.
Okay so that's what we just did we pointed your name servers to cloudflares on
We set Igor/Lily and saved it, now you just need to tell Cloudflare to check again. They'll peak over to the domain and see the new nameservers and go it's us who control it now.

Looks good

You just got that? Or was that the old email.
old email
Nameservers can take a bit of time to update so if hasn't synchronized it yet then anything reading your domain won't recognize it yet but I'll double check my end.
DNS Checker
NS Lookup - Lookup Nameserver of any Domain
NS Lookup tool lookup the nameserver records of any domain. NS records are essential to verify because non-existent or wrong NS records may lead to downtime.
It hasn't synchronized yet, give it some time assuming you just saved the nameservers now.
what this?
dns checker?
So I think you're done for now, you just need to sit and wait.
That tool there can tell you what your nameserver is for a domain.
This tells me right now you're still on and till your new name servers synchronize
So you've definitely saved the new nameservers on If so give it a couple minutes -> hours to be seen correctly.
CloudFlare will periodically check and should email you but if they don't check up on it and tell cloudflare to re-confirm it.
enter the domain ?
big thanks
I will write if there are any questions.
Word. Shouldn't be too long; with nameservers changed it can take a bit of time be patient. I know it's never longer than a few hours.
Have a good day.
Is it pressing??

You can click check nameservers now but it won't do much
till the names have changed fully. That part could take hours but you can periodically click that button or use the link I sent to check if the names changed yet.
okay thanks
and you
Wait a second, like this?


Cloudflare has their own and they'll reference that but Google/CloudFlare it don't really matter they all at this point do an amazing job with domain name services
Yup so you can see there in latest photo it has not yet updated to the lily and igor
Just wait until cloudflare will email you as soon as the changes where made everywhere
Not sure the process with say the email being sent weeks ago, if manual verify will be necessary but either way you can keep an eye out on it all.
As long as you definitely saved those new nameservers to your domain. It is processing soon.
We didn't check it, nothing happened

Just wait 24h aren't over
Can also take 48h (2days) depends on other DNS servers like Google, etc
DNSSEC is off for the domain at It appeared so but that can conflict if it's on. Otherwise wait a little longer if it hasn't switched contact to get it changed on their end.
i dont know

@Тигрёнок any news?
Then get in contact with
I haven't received anything in the mail, I've been practically waiting for 3 or 2 days

Thank you for helping me together.
And what should I write?
We will continue the next day
I'm going to bed