Annoying crashes
yo is it normal that i keep on crashing everytime? like im honestly getting annoyed bc everytime i crash im in a competitive match and i have to restart. everytime i get freaking banned for 7+ days and NO ONE IS HELPING ME FIX THIS I GET ERRORS OF MEMORY DISCORD CRASHES everytimes AND I CANT DO ANYTHING
82 Replies
Are u running any overlay apps like overwolf?
yes i have medal but its not opened
it doesnt open everytime
only when i choose to open it
Check ur event viewer
it aint starting
What ain't starting
event viewer
Restart ur pc
Try opening again
its trying to add a snap-in but then after like a few secs it says snap-in not responding like this

this is the exact image
When does the crash occur?
well during games
like rn im trying to play a comp game and i crashed 3 times
im 100% banned but anyway
and sometimes even in the loading screen
like when you open valorant
Like game/pc suddenly freezes?
yes exactly
sometimes only the game freezes
but other times i get like 20 errors and i cant move my cursor n stuff
i have a screenshot if you want it
For me my entire system freezes no errors at all, that all happened after the new update
Can u show what u r trying to open
errors like these. 3rd image is when i tried downloading medal

I’ve discord, sharex, icue and gpu tweak running, only overlay is the discord overlay.
Can you try having the task manager running as well and check if any of your components goes berserker mode
nah its the whole event viewer dude
nah everything is chill
Ahhh looks like memory leaks
What gpu do u have?
my memory is chilling at 50%
Any overclocks?
i tried overclocking it but it gave me a green/blue screen
i fixed that
U completely removed the overclock?
Wipe ur graphics drivers using ddu
Then install manually
Use ddu in safe mode btw
tf is ddu
Display driver uninstaller
Download it from ur browser

is the guru3d one alright?
Just use the top link
I don't remember the website urls
aight and how do you go in safe mode again?
i made a restore point just in case
i cant go in safe mode
@jidat help
ok done
i did the ddu thing
not is safe mode but i did it
whats Specs?
do you have HDD
i think so ye
no SSD

shows RAM issue?
@jidat told me to use DDU to fix them and i did use it
my settings are gone
snap in is having issue do you have original windows?
wdym original windoes
downloaded from official website [PAID] one
ye it is original
is it updatedd?
uh ye i have windows 10 but i dont want to get w 11
win + r
send ss

so what now
i did the DDU thing and i have a restore point if i have to go back
win + r
let it run
send ss
also open the CMD
as admin?
ok the sigverif is done

good to go
ok cmd as admin open
what do i have to command in it
in another one
ok doing it
do i have to send ss after?
brb ima go get something to eat
fr it gonna take 10~15 mins
ok back
sfc is done

ok it fixed files Good
also dism done]

what now @Talonted Gamer
good now reboot pc and try game
ima check l8r tho not now
I checked my eventviewer its Kernel related
ping me inyour post
Kernel-EventTracing as a failure and a critical one as source the Kernel-Power
Got the same issue as nikx
ok you got your own post ?
ok create one send ss ping me there brd in 2 min
happened again btw
i crashed again