i can see through pheonix and neon walls
i got the game like, 3 weeks ago and i've had this issue where neon walls havent been rendering properly and i can literally see through them; i have an i5-6300u and intel hd 520 graphics but i know there arent any issues with these specs so im not really sure what to do about it and i dont wanna be falsely banned for something not under my control
29 Replies
i cant record myself but i did find a vid on reddit of this exact same thing happening to someone
for the record these are my driver settings

with application optimal mode set to on in global settings
id be glad if someone could respond to this because again i dont want to be falsely banned, and i know its hard to figure out a solution for low end pcs cause not everyone plays on stuff like this!!
ALSO wanted to clarify that yes my pc can run the game fine even if its below recommended requirements, my pc is pretty optimized and i can get a consistent 70 fps which is more than enough for me personally

Put to this and try
Second option
Under multi sample too
its 4 am for me rn but ty ill try tommorow and see if anything changes
Yo I need this rn
so this didnt work
i can still see through for some reason
Fixed it by turning off application optimal mode which is normally supposed to help in visual bugs
it came back still need help
Contact Player Support to report this issue to the Valorant team so they can fix this issue for other gamers! They will help you through how to stop this from happening! They always would be interested in how this works to keep the game fair :)! Head below 👇🏻
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
not related but what is that goofy ahh laugh
not my video ask the guy who got the issue on reddit 😭 literally first result
it is so wierd 😭
thank you so much!! i cant clip anything cause of hardware so i dont wanna be falsely banned for something i have no control over, its hard to just gloss over seeing people walking behind the neon wall
Seen the video attached above to support and explain the situation. They won't ban you for trying to fix your application :!)
which request type do i use for this? ingame issue or technical issue?
prolly ingame issue cuz it is an ingame issue
ended p going to technical

i guess that works too
but im not really sure if i should do performance or other
cause its technically a graphic issue
Select in-game issue // Techinical issue
It could be graphical, or storage related
my pc has 40gb rn which should be perfectly fine for windows to run fine, and it only happens with the neon walls
i saw someone else with the same graphics driver having the issue and noone responded (year or so ago)
I mean a corrupted install /shrug
mm i dont think so, mainly just cause someone else having the issue had the same specs as i do
also is this worth using the riot repair tool for this? its a visual bug so i dont think itd detect anything out of ordinary
aight so
we figured it out!!
i did but they were very helpful
in figuring some stuff out
turns out my graphics driver was not specified for my exact igpu and it ended up breaking something
i downgraded to a version from like 10 years back and everythings fixed + i got a nice fps boost