How do I make my website secure? - Not Secure (SSL Certificate)
Youtube Video I followed:
I did everything in the video and am unsure why the website still shows as not secure. I did not create this website and am helping someone else make it secure. Would I need to go into where its hosted and fix the error from there?
How To Get Free SSL Certificate For Website | Add SSL To Website
Learn How to get a free SSL certificate for website and transfer website from HTTP to HTTPS protocol. Secure Website with SSL Certificate
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Get Free SSL from Cloudflare
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42 Replies
Hello, your Website is getting directly a SSL certificate from cloudflare as soon as you change the NS records. Sometimes it needs a bit until a certificate is created for you.
I'd have to change the NS records in GoDaddy then?
at the moment the website saids its down
If you want to use cloudflare services then you need to change the NS records to the Cloudflare ones you got

Okay then this should be okay
Can you show your SSL settings?

Was this the settings u were looking for?
Hm, is it really needed to have it set to full strict?
I can change it to flexible
Yea do that because the last ones are requiring something to add SSL certificates on your server side.
oh okay
for the DNS part, did I have to add it on GoDaddy?
Full strict as far I know requires you to add cloudflare CA Certificate and some certificates you can create on the dashboard and full as far I know just require an self signed SSL certificate
No if it's showing a cloudflare SSL error page it should be fine then
I see
I'd prob have to pay for the addition I'm guessing
Does it work?

Now we know that it is redirecting you from http to https and reverse. Now we need to fix that
and now I don't know how I fixed that everytime
Is there a manual for this?
Do you have any idea on how to fix it?
I assumed it was a loading thing where we'd have to wait for it to update from cloudflares end
I'm rn taking an eye on my settings :AYS_WobblesLaugh:
Can also be
If I moved everything to NameCheap from GoDaddy will it automatically fix itself
Tbh idk never used GoDaddy or NameCheap
what do u use instead?
yea... that makes sense
this is the first time i've tried getting an SSL certificate, does it not usually come with the domain?
I'm currently thinking how I fixed that but don't know anything because I play mostly just around with the SSL settings x3 :BL_CryLaugh:
It should
My own personal domain didn't need one
i just turned it into Full
instead of Flexible
and it worked
Lol :BL_TanaLaugh:

bruh 😵
welp it works now ig
I'm a bit confused now :gx_laugh:
But yea I never liked setting SSL settings
thank you
I appreciate the help ❤️
But yea glad to hear that it works now x3
Don't forget to mark it as solved.
if you have a trusted origin certificate you should use strict