fps been dropping randomly ingame
My fps is usuay constant 200+, but recent few weeks, it will have times that it drops to 100 or so randomly for a few seconds, no matter whether im fighting or round started, any idea why and how to fix?
98 Replies
Disable any overlay apps like overwolf tracker and medal
i dont think i even have it
how to check if i have other overlay apps tho?
same i used to hold 300 but it drops to like 60 and stuff i might just quit valorant i tried everything
Update ur windows. Set graphics to lowest. Check for temps. Reinstall graphics driver/update graphics drivers.
yea like it still can handle 200 but sometimes it drops to 100 for a second or two
Might just be packet loss
alright let me try
Check for packet loss and Network RTT jitter in game
its 5ms usually i think its not internet
i been using the same wifi too
Ur ping doesn't equate to the RTT jitter
ah okokk
And packet loss too if its just for a second
how do i know if the network jitter is unusual?
Switch it to graph
See if its unstable

id say...
Check for packet loss

When it lags look at the packet loss and jitter
Even tho jitter shouldn't rly cause fps drops
alr alr ill test that first then
and ill get back to you
thanks for the follow up though appreciate it alot
ill be back
packet went to 4%
fps stayed stable
when fps drops to 150
packet loss stayed 0%
jitter stayed around 0.2-1ms
try this
netsh int ip resetipconfig /releaseipconfig /renewipconfig /flushdnsnetsh winsock resetnetsh advfirewall reset
let me get in a game
i dont see a difference
it still drops to 115
sometimes when round starts
in the middle of the game
or mid fight
i tried optimizing my pc a lot
up to date graphics driver
low graphics
40-55 temp for gpu
could it be because of a random program that was installed hiddenly
or corrupted temp files?
after a graphic driver update did it start
Reinstall ur graphics drivers
Wipe them using ddu in safe mode
Then install manually
or go back 1 cause i updated to 24.3.1 for amd and thats when i started to drop i might go back one
What makes u think they are using an amd gpu?
doesnt matter the brand a lot of people run into problems with new graphic drivers
here btw

forgot to mention its a laptop
Yeah try reinstalling graphics drivers
i might have to do that later on though i want to check as many things that might affect digitally first
then ill do a reinstall
Graphics drivers should be the first thing u test smh
wait you mean reinstall physically or digitally
if physically then i'll do it when i get back though, i have to remove lots of parts because its a laptop you know loll
yea of course
then yea use ddu its safe but idk if you can use it on laptop
i used it
i might go back a drive to see if it fixes
bro hell nah
he meant to say reinstall the gpu DRIVER not gpu
shi man
also when issue started
im very blind on this situation
so not physically thenππ
somebody help me with my issue
lets see
like a week
its around like
2-3 weeks ago
ping on your post :val_Okayge:
everythinf was fine
but then i experienced it ingame
ok i did
asked friend they said to do optimization
i did just that but still no help
hold on ill get you a older version
hm? alright then
thanks man
which was working
im outside grabbing food atm
older version of what now
of the problem?
windows 10 or 11
GPu driver lol
noob can you respond to post
sure in 5 min
it was working fine before march 19 ?
if it was 2-3 weeks ago
it works wrong even before march 19
okay march 5
i keep my driver up to date on nvidia
before it ?
hmm march 5
lets see
maybe it started happened end of feb
or something
try this version
ahh i see ok hol on
ill have a go
now can you help me
GeForce Game Ready Driver | 551.52 | Windows 10 64-bit, Windows 11 ...
Download the English (US) GeForce Game Ready Driver for Windows 10 64-bit, Windows 11 systems. Released 2024.2.13
alright alright much appreciated
i'll be back here when i start on textinf
you mind me pinging when i test @Talonted Gamer ? if not i'll just still update on here
yep ping me when it completes
great thanks a bunch
@Talonted Gamer
you there?
got some updates
yea so i downgraded to the driver you told me to
it went well for the first game
not too big of a deop
until the games after it

this is the drop to 100 i was talking about
still happening
twice in 4 rounds actually

so i think it still didnt work
i too have same issue from a week lol its when we switch rounds and i too dont know fix now maybe next patch it gets fixed
i might try to install the driver that was in december or january tomorrow ngl
oh no no its when the round is still in progress
i think its due to its auto updating driver
i know it drops when new round starts but this is during i was playing
might be drive or ram
i dont see it automatically update for me though it just have the icon to let me know
actually might be true
whats space on c drive
when i was playing its utilizing 60-70% of my Memory
in my task manager
177gb free
hmm maybe ram
i asked a friend to help me monitor as well
it was consuming lots
it might be nvidia container as well it sometimes uses like 50mb
yea hmm
how do i fix a ram problem
Close other apps while playing
Any ram optimizer
yea omen gaming huh
it optimizes if i need it
i guess thats the closest fix i can get then
Try once
anw thanks a lot my dude
I forgot name of that Ram optimizer
@jidat name it bro
ya i mean like when i play i usually only use valorant and thats it
so the drop is prolly something else
either driver or just something i installed recently that is eating my shi
Yep you can check it by adding all graphs