72 Replies
that means you were playign so bad that they put you in lower lobbies to see if you belong there
no i actually played good my last 5 or 6 games all postive kd
won like 5 or 6 times and lost 2
theres a reason you are playign with bronzes
doesnt matter that you won
whats the reason bro
its how you played
You got val tracker
whats your tag
how do i check my tag
your name silly
and riot id
the only times where i play bad when i disconnect or my internet just goes bb btw
your profile is private
how do i make it public
i forgot
k sec
i forgor 💀
check now
still says priv
send me this

your last comp game matches
wait no
im not plat
thats mine

ok wait
send me yours
this one game i had autstic teammates so i throw it and got mad

and this one i was bad at it

your thing looks alr but your acs and adr are kinda low
and the reyna one shit teammates and sova i disconnected

k how do i fix them
adr is average damage a around
and acs i average combat score
valorants tracks how well you use util and trade teamates
you are climbing
why are you complaining
cuz i dont wanna queue up with bronzes bro
its not fun when u go against ppl ur level+ my teammates are cannot do anything
well just enjoy the free rr
i dont see why your complaining lol
what free rr
im legit stuck at gold 1 cuz of that same problem bro
you said you dont like going against bronzes?
and you are gold?
so you should win easliy
my oppoeoents were gold
how am i suppose to win that
theres a reason your teamates are silver and bronze
it means they are playign good in bronze and are getting put into higher lobbies to see if they will do well thus getting more rr
plus if you lose then its honestly your fault
just means you gotta try harder to carry
thats what i say
its just aids to go against 1v5
well talk to your team
im just casually getting pushed by 5 ppl at time
tell them what to do
or they just spray me
that means you are doing something wrong
i tried bro
i tried to give that pheonix advices
you should be getting pushed by 5 people
but he got mad and he was like "u are bad bro"
some people wont listen just deal with it
let me find soem games rq
i told him to not peek but he still peeked and died all rounds didnt even survival a single one
and ill show you

entire team was negative
our sova didnt listen when i told him to dart for us or not dry swing op
we lost that game
yk what i did

gg go next
and then i destroyed the other team
27/12 13-4
bro look
we all have bad games like my bind match
shit happens
if i just like had a 1 teammate atleast who helps or smth i could've won that bro
just dont lose mental and go next
anyways gg
alr gl