blue screen after launch
I get blue screen of MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTION every time I launch valorant and I tried every thing to solve it but nope it's still there, hope someone can help me to solve it.
Solution:Jump to solution
Update : it's fixed
The reason was somehow the SATA card and after removing it the problem is solved...
153 Replies
I tried to reinstall windows,vanguard,riot client , valorant 4 times but it still freezes when I launch it
and I believe it lasts about 1 minute every time to crash?
it's not necessarily on the menu or loading
just after passin the time it will crash
Download a software called who crashed
tried to install it but it showed an error about dll
let me try one more time
it says there is no crash dump. should I wait in blue screen for 100% to crash dump be generated? cause I waited for 2 hours but it was stuck at 0%
When you crash
We try to press the caps lock key
See if the caps lock indicator comes on
Nope both keyboard and mouse don't work when it crashes. I took the time of crashed after 1m and 15 sec and 30 sec later it showed blue screen with error of MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTION
So the caps light indicator does not come on when you press
And you know what that is right?
i think you mean the indicator on the keyboard which will be on/off if i press the caps lock button and if you mean that nope it doesn't change right?
yes i do
If it doesn't turn on that means your CPU hard crashed
How can I fix it?
And my cpu isn't really weak you know
So it's strange
Sometimes it has nothing to do with your cpu
You could be thermally crashing
You could have fault ram
It could be just that your CPU is dying
It's about 1 year only that i got it
It's a i5-11400
Not weak for valorant right?
So is there any way to find out the problem and fix it?
You could do a memory test windows has one built in

I think I've done it before
Yeah I've done it
It says everything is alright
You should do another one
Ok let me try
should I check where for the results?
cause it didn't show anything at the end
just my windows is booted after the check
It should give you a notification just give it a sec
I'm still waiting but nothing showed up
should I do it again?
still nothing btw
it just said no error
Show me the notification
so my rams are ok?
it went
it was something like diagnostic and no error?
It will be in your notification centre
I just saw it but it's not in notifications
Then it's something else
on the right side?
I checked it
You should download a software named auto runs
it's the full name?
ok let me try
ok so what should I do
there's a list of idk some of my apps or services?
Press file then run as administrator
Then wait like a minute for everything to load
Once everything is loaded uncheck anything that is red or yellow
Do not uncheck anything that has to do with Vanguard
some of them can not be disabled
such as
should I ignore them?
or adobe type manager
it just says failed to disable
for them(not all)
If it fails to disable something just skip it
now should I close the app?
and reboot?
Sorry for the late feedback i was downloading the update so i can test it
And it still crashed
You may want to try a Windows reinstallation
Which version?
Win 11
Which is optimizer i mean
And should I clear all my apps again? Or nope the apps and files can be there
You can keep your personal files
But you should clear all apps
Which version you recommend me to install? I have the latest but you know I already installed it 3 times and 1 time I installed win 10
You already reinstalled windows?
To fix this?
Yeap 4 times
Yeap i know I'm fucked up
I just wanna play some valoranttt
Idk anymore mate
Maybe i should just move on from this game
It 100% your hardware then
win+r, msinfo32, send a photo
Which can be cause of the problem?
I can't send it on discord do you have telegram?
Or can i send you a link from idk drive?
So you can check it
Wait I had the same issue but it kinda resolved itself
You mean I should just wait?
How much
Yeah that's what worked for me
How much did you wait for it
Like what I found was happening was my computer was opening everything and then I immediately just launched valorant and there was an issue with my ram
I just waited for a couple minutes for my computer to load everything
I'm from iran and I can't upload in discord because of the restrictions sorry...
Just wait a couple mins for your computer to start
Then try again
How much should I wait? I don't think it's my ram problem I have 16 gb ram
I have 24
I don't think it will work but i will try
Im not 100% sure it was ram
But in any case its just that you've opened stuff too fast
Just let ur computer chill for a second
I didn't open anything
But imma try
You opened valorant
If you open val, riot and and vanguard open as well and that can sometimes cause too much stress on the computer if you do it right after it turns on
I imagine you'll find the same issue on almost all computers aside from very high end gaming rigs
You know you are right
If it was the problem
Why suddenly appeared?
I mean it used to be ok everytime
And why only valorant not other games
Because valorant is very resource intensive because it has to also open riot client and vanguard immediately
Updates with new features causing it to open differently or something
I have a lot of theories on why it's happening but as for rn, just 1 solution
I hope it just works
should I wait more?
I mean if ur opening valoranr after already using ur computer for a while then ull be alright
But if ur just immediately opening it then that's ur issue
Personally, I open my computer and watch some yt for a little bit or I open my computer and tidy my desk or something
how much should I wait
30 mins is ok?
Holy shit way too long
and I think my problem isn't it
I jus wait like 5 or 6
cuz I'm the same
For lower end computers wait longer
i5 11400 1050 ti 16 gb ram it's kinda mid idk
Yeah man just wait about 5 mins
I did already
Let me try then ...
Then wait a little longer man
k mate
Just don't turn on your computer then immediately launch the game
Ok I'm just waiting
Hope it works

It's the msinfo32 you asked for
comp go BRRR
Is there any problem with my pc?
Did you just reinstall windows?
Well try the game
See if it works
Oh you meant right now?
Should I reinstall it again?
You asked for msinfo32
Again it's probably a hardware issue
I was seeing if you had the most up to date bios
It's the latest one yeap
Oh so should I check it somehow or show it to an expert?
I am the expert :(
I didn't mean that bro sorryyyy
An expert who can you know check it with hands xd
Uh you have a new bios you can update
If you want to try that
You can also download some of the drivers there
I've installed it already sadly
But I installed it already I'm sure
So you have downloaded your chipset drivers?
I just downloaded this one that you sent before
And installed it using a usb flash drive

Oh should i install these too?
^ From this url
Let me try
all of them?
or only chipset one
You should just do the chipset for right now
ok i'm downloading
is it an exe file to setup?
or the installation is harder than that
Extract it and run the setup me file
after installing should I reboot?
or just try valorant?
It still crashes...
Yeah I'm sorry mate
don't be
thanks for the helps
gl man
hey mate sorry for bothering but I think I found a clue?Idk if it can help or not but I checked event viewer>windows logs>application logs and found out every time my system crashes and I try to launch valorant,there is a warning: A provider, IntelMEProv, has been registered in the Windows Management Instrumentation namespace root\Intel_ME to use the LocalSystem account. This account is privileged and the provider may cause a security violation if it does not correctly impersonate user requests.
can it help?
Have you reinstalled windows?
Do that
I did it 5 times
should I do it again?
But you just said you didn't reinstall?
I meat in these 2 days
I did it before this post
them I mean*
sorry for bothering but I was in discord and I was playing genshin and the crash happened again and it was the first time that it happened for any other game or app but valorant(the blue screen like valorant)does it mean it can be the problem of ram or cpu?and it happened once right now and I tried it again(genshin and discord) but it didn't happen again.
Have we done a memory test yet?
I don’t remember if that was someone else or not
you meant with the memory diagnostic? if yes yeap I did
but this time it generated a dump file and it says: Crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\040124-13343-01.dmp (Minidump)
Bugcheck code: 0x3B(0xC0000005, 0xFFFFF8030CA5B1C5, 0xFFFFFC0E291D63B0, 0x0) Bugcheck name: SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION Bug check description: This indicates that an exception happened while executing a routine that transitions from non-privileged code to privileged code.
Analysis: This is a typical software problem. Most likely this is caused by a bug in a driver.
and I think it means it's not the same crash like valorant?cuz it didn't have any dump files...
Bugcheck code: 0x3B(0xC0000005, 0xFFFFF8030CA5B1C5, 0xFFFFFC0E291D63B0, 0x0) Bugcheck name: SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION Bug check description: This indicates that an exception happened while executing a routine that transitions from non-privileged code to privileged code.
Analysis: This is a typical software problem. Most likely this is caused by a bug in a driver.
and I think it means it's not the same crash like valorant?cuz it didn't have any dump files...
you have overclocked the CPU?
but how can I check it?
I mean I didn't do it but I can try to check it
okh try reseating Ram
in bios
what do you mean by reseating?
my bios is ami I don't know where is the option to overclock it
i mean remove it and leave for 30 second then put it back
after PC is OFF
dont DO NEVER while pc has power
remove battery if it has
oh ok
I will notify you after doing that
let me try
Watch video on how to
then after understanding do
I did it but after puting them back now my monitor won't show anything after starting the pc
Idk what's the problem but I tried to plug out and plug in again the hdmi cable and even changing it to another one but it will still show no signal
It is solved I just didn't put them correctly back completely in the first place
But the crash problem is still there
open CMD as ADMin
in another one
I did these already
you have pc?
ohk do you have asus softwares?
armory crate
check for some updates in that
updates in what?
like this

under settings
is it for updating drivers?if yes I'm using Driver booster 11
nope its for main system drivers
ok let me try then
After this the game crashed but this time there is no blue screen. Just the windows is freeze
@Saucywan @Talonted Gamer sorry for bothering but I gave my case to someone else and he tried the game and it runs perfectly. Can you guess what's the problem now? Can it be the cables or the electrics problem?
I mean now I'm sure it's not about software or hardware
my system used to crash exactly like this, it wouldn't get past the first loading screen
the issue was that I installed the game in another drive and not my main one
after changing the drive it played ok? Cause I tried this before but it still crashes
The weird part is that the game run perfectly in that person's house...
it managed to open up alright but after around 2 mins my PC froze
happens every time
just to have an idea what are your specs?
i5 11400
16 gb ram
1050 ti
And the game is installed on hdd
I tried it on ssd before but it didn't solve the problem
I see then
when I contacted riot, they said the issue for me was "your cpu is too old and it has incompatibility with our game"
which is understandable since the CPU actually came out on 2008
but that is not the case at all for you
so eh
Yeap.. I'm still trying to find out the problem
Update : it's fixed
The reason was somehow the SATA card and after removing it the problem is solved
Huh? 😂
what do you exactly mean by sata card though
like a PCIe SATA card?
Yeap that one