Slow CPU
Hi, I'm facing a big problem! On A100, L40 graphics cards in Secure cloud I am experiencing very low CPU performance
On 3080, 3090ti in community cloud CPU speed is quite good
35 Replies
this is speed from A100 pod.
I changed faces in ComfyUI, this technology uses CPU+GPU
this is with 3090ti
and this is my not powerfull laptop for comparison
(no external GPU, only processor)
I realize that these computers have shared CPUs, but the speed is horribly slow.
if you can run on 4090s, I would use those, for some gpu servers, the cpu is better suited for multi-threaded workloads instead of single threaded ones, even your local laptop will likely have better single thread performance than some cpus with many more cores but low ghz per core
I can't do anything that uses the processor even a little bit. With A100 and L40 (maybe other pods too?)
try the A40s
Why is ReActor using CPU and not GPU? GFPGAN is incredibly slow with CPU, its MUCH faster with GPU.
i checked on my home pc, all threads are used
Thought you are using ComfyUI? This is A1111.
its using cpu AND gpu together, that is onnxruntime work
A1111 extension can be configured to use GPU.
you can go to filter and find pods with more cpu cores, give you more performance
Face swap is fast, its the restoration using GFPGAN thats slow.
yes i see that this is a1111! i checked maybe this is comfyui problem, but no
I do this to make ReActor extension for A1111 use CUDA instead of CPU.
look at the first screenshots, swapping was not so fast. about 13 seconds. on normal CPUs this takes 1-3 seconds, ok 5 on slow
"reactor force" version working only with CUDA
i know, i test with pod with 16 cores
this is 16 cores
i sure that 2 cores on community cloud will be faster, but i spend all money for this "tests"
do you see all cores being used when you run the test?
no i didn`t try it
this is community 3090ti with good speed
did you try selecting many cpus in filters option
yes, i try 16 vcpu
now i`m testing a6000 on "NO" datacenter, speed is ok. About 3 seconds
this is slow!
this is fast!
will have to dig deeper and see if they have different cpu, noisey neighbhor will cause cpu to be more balanced, while in community cloud or some servers, you may get more cpu than your allocated as we allow spikes in cpu activity if no one else is using it
I realize that regulating CPU usage on virtual machines is probably not as easy as it seems. But you rent out powerful server graphics cards, in my humble opinion you should give more than the minimum power on the CPU. Or at least offer to pay extra for a higher power limit
In large pipelines part of the work is done by the processor and a powerful video card becomes useless if everything hangs on small processor calculations
We have plans to make CPU more isolated, right now its shared. CPU pods are more isolated since cores are dedicated in those cases.
i cant use anything now, very slow(
@flash-singh ComfyUI starting more than 6 minutes!! i have a video
it should be 10 seconds
its likely writing and reading back and forth from network volume, thats been the slowest part for anyone using network volume as main disk to read from and write to