I cant play
Yesterday I tried to play but the game was giving me the internet error, after troubleshooting and nothing worked i went to their website, after trying to login the site said: xsso.playvalorant.com uses an unsupported protocol. I checked reddit and some people are experiencing the same problem with no proper fix, so, is there a fix? I no longer have the game and im unable to reinstall via website or epic games. So is there a fix, or do i have to wait for riot to fix this shi? Also now when I try to login on the website it no longer says: xsso.playvalorant.com uses an unsupported protocol, but it now simply says that it’s taking too long to respond.
411 Replies
this isnt the right website
No its the right website
As i said epic doesn’t work either
Wether it’s http or xsso doesn’t matter
how ?

official one is working fine
try this
Here it is on my ipad
@Talonted Gamer
Doesnt load
yeah this one is legit
Ye doesn’t load tho
Yesterday when i press that it tried redirecting to sxxo
Heres some other ppl experiencing the same

@Talonted Gamer
get riot client then
I cant
I cant login
The website and game stopped supporting the net protocol
Im assuming temporarily
try rebooting wifi router
But its been like this for over 24hrs
The part you're talking about was a bug that was yesterday
That since then has been fixed
Which bug?
Make sure you aren't using a VPN
Sxxo redirect?
xsso.playvalorant.com using unsecured protocol
Ye but now im haveing same issue
But without that
I thought you said it wasn't loading?
When I attempt to open the riot client it says cant connect to update
Are you using a VPN?
Check the vid
When i press login it doesn’t load
No vpn
What do you need on the website?
To login
To download the client
When I download on epic it doesnt work
:val_KekwSob: hold on
Also to play on my acc
VALORANT: Riot Games’ competitive 5v5 character-based tactical shoo...
Riot Games presents VALORANT: a 5v5 character-based tactical FPS where precise gunplay meets unique agent abilities. Learn about VALORANT and its stylish cast
This should take you directly to the download page
You won't need to sign in
One sec
Lemme try
Although i think i tried this from the reddit post
What the hell
Wtf is that
its legit one bruh it would have blocked me if it wasnt
Tried it
Took too long it says
Its still unable to connect
its legit one bruh

Bro wtf
Im getting from riot or epic
from riot
Either way i still need to login
epic one isnt working right?
So i need to fix the issue not bypass it
ehh i dont think so for DDL
Do you have the client installed on your computer?
Well how will i play?
this one doesnt need i guess
I wont have my account
Yes from epic
Great uninstall it
It doesnt work tho
I also cant access support
Only tha main page
It's signed by Riot calm down
jk I know
Ok im on my ipad
Lemme switch
Cus i cant open the links from here only urls
Go to your computer and download the exe
The problem is if i will be able to sign in to my val acc once I downloaded it
Lets see ig
He's just pointing you to it
ok im on pc now

same as before
every other game works
So you have an Internet connection?
i have a problem with connecting to val ig
Disable your firewall
i did
inbound rules arent blocking anything from riot / valorant
You have to disable your firewall
Can you show me that it's disabled
you mean turn it off
verify with this shit txt file

and after retrying

same thing
Do you know how to set a DNS?
remember the issue is with both the website and the client
Yes I know
did that yesterday
To what?
meybe reset it?
What address are you using?
its auto rn
it was 8888 8844
lemme change it abck
restarted my dvice and same thing
so quick recap
Is this on the installer ^
yesterday morning it was working
then afternoon it was xsso
now its just not connecting
Do you live in na, eu, asia
middle east
server idk i played for 8hrs altogether
im a new player
but prob eu?
one sec
Please select one of the following
Asia Pacific
Asia Pacific/Singapore
EU/Eastern Russia
in future
What region are you located in
when i go on website its ar ae
What country are you from?
I can just get it based off that
So then Asia Pacific
Open cmd as admin
I am facing this problem. What is the problem?

Make your own post
wait wdym
put the whole string or just tracert . txt
put the whole thing
ok what does itdo?
It gives me information to see if it's your ISP
It basically contacts the riot servers and lets to see at what point it's being blocked
To see if it's your Internet, your isp, or the riot servers
so any space after the brackets?
and none between tracert and txt
Everything about the brackets is fine the only thing you need to change is remove the space in between Tracert and . and txt
also this "?
The system cannot find the path specified
did it work?
what is it supposed to do?
On your desktop there should be in file
Send me that file
As shortcut?
Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops
1 1 ms 2 ms 1 ms
2 3 ms 4 ms 4 ms
thats the text
Then just send me a photo of the file

Enter the command again and wait
The command didn't finish
Rerun the same command again

You sure the command finished?
At the bottom of the file it should say trace complete.
Sorry i will have to continue tomorrow
Thx tho
Will you be able to help me tomorrow?
Thx bro what time?
Just ping me :D
@Saucywan so a bunch say request timed out
over half
im guessing that's the problem

@Saucywan now what?
is the problem with hop 12?
@Saucywan u up?
@Saucywan help 😭
I gtg rn anyway
We can fix in 2hrs
@Saucywan you online?
One sec
Pinging me at 1:00 AM is crazy
I'm currently generating my own log so give me a moment
Sorry it was 9am for me
what region are you located in I believe I gave you the wrong command
How to Use Tracert to Obtain Network Logs
Looking to obtain some network logs? Sounds like Tracert can help. You might be wondering—but S.A.M., what is Tracert? Fortunately, I have created a guide that will tell you exactly what Tracert is...
Follow this
Doesnt open 💀
oh right
I live in jordan amman soo…

Just tell me which ones the closest
What is BR.
@Saucywan closest to bahrain
Should i try that?
One sec
I would say Asia Pacific
@lyra Hello
@CrackedYT64 Can you manually enter the command

Just start and stop at the brackets
Just because we don't need the file
It's just that the ip address is blocked because it's personal information and I have to get it whitelisted
Put in those? ^
So what do i put in?
open cmd as admin
@lyra Just type in here
Ye but wdym by this?
do you have a vpn Installed?
(tracert [NUMBERS])
Replace the numbers with the actual IP address found in the photo
Ye ok
are you on lan or wireless
Then the rest!
Show me a photo of what you have currently
Connected by router
So wireless i assume

Bruh missed the two
But u get it
Yep press enter and wait
You should start getting something like this but with a different ip address

Ye its running
Its similar to ap
But slightly different
Btw what are you looking for?
Just send a photo when it's finished
I need to see if the ping actually reaches the server

im guessing its no what you wanted?
should i try bahrain?
I don't think it's going to change but you can try
@lyra What are the chances that it's his/her computer
Didn't you say it wasn't working on your phone too?
Or was that a different person
The website?
Ye doesn’t work on my ipad
You could factory reset your modem
Only home screen
yep that would fix i guess
can login
fix in that
Yeah press the factory reset button inside of the modems website page 👍
icl no idea
the router
there is a hole with button
maybe a button
Also you will need to reset up your Wi-fi like set up the name and password again
Not my router
But I think that's an easy trade
Do you want to try factory resetting your modem?
Not yet
Well then I'm out of ideas
Close to last resort…..
We could try turning off your modems firewall
Btw th bahrain stopped at 17
Not 30
Show me a photo

tf lol
stable ping hmm
Try the second one
Fr 💀
In the photo there is an or
or gate?

Try this
So basically it’s attempting to connect 30 times and is being blocked usually by 7th?
I am
Stopped at 17 again

Very similar
not bad
Well that's really curious
Why is it timing out?
I would need direct access to the modem for that?
get gud plz
i meant login
Who tf
Well I guess because you need the login credentials
Which will be written on the back of it
under the router there would be default ones
Ye ok
u installed the game
from epic games
or web
Im noob
ok if no ways told by the community work then there is only one way to fix it then
if ur using epic
I didnt even know u could download from riot
:val_WazowskiStare: he said that before
you need to uninstall valorant, remove it completely from ur pc , install it from the website then login with ur acc and play ///OR/// just reset factory settings of pc and download again [most suitable way]
also thats playvalorant.com
It's a network issue
once one game didn't work and i reinstalled it from official website and it worked ( epic crashes some time)
wtf i never would reset FKING pc for that
I cant login on the website
Yeah I was about to say that
if its a network issue, are u connected to or
Well anyway yeah back to actually doing things that make sense ^
change band to 5ghz
alr alr
use cloudflare i guess
Again 2 days ago the game worked fine
Since the xsso it hasnt
yeah, again it was a bug 👍
@CrackedYT64 use cloudfare also which company and wht speed internet u got
i run my game on mobile data
but still runs smoother than wifi
Doesn’t matter game ran perfectly 2 days ago
Fr mine too
okay what apps did you install in these days maybe they are messing
So ur saying it’s unrelated?
so can i hav ur network company name and speed details?
I haven’t installed anything between then and now
open cmd as administrator
Type ping <IP address> and press Enter
Other than dc
For what?
oh nvm
saw it
Back on topic. @CrackedYT64
Please go to your modem
And look on the credentials on the back
How does he hav network issue his ping is smoother than mine @Saucywan
It cant connect constantly ig
:Agent_Reyna: Get Better
Maybe because it has nothing to do with Ping
@Saucywan is the timing out normal?
ping has no matter in this
in tracert ? YES
yes sir
@CrackedYT64 Please inform me when you have the credentials
well depends
Well its also on the website
actually we both need to
if yall cant fix then he got to factory reset which is super annoying in the whole world
airtel 5g
mobile data
5G >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
5G+ >
yoo i got both fr
6G aint launched in india sir
5G+ is 5g but better frequency
I got it
tell tell
we're anxious
Open cmd as admin
What is it needed for?
Too bad
microsoft rewards stopped working in india

Find your default gateway ip
could hav got 2k vp by now 😦
^ @CrackedYT64
Don't .. ME
what wwhen why
Now what?
Enter that inside of your browser
It should then ask you to log in
Use the credentials on the back of the modem to log in
yo ccccan anybody send the link of sending artwork to valorant and where they giv out free vp
searching does not giv me point
now :9 i reported to microsoft
they trash
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
Again its not my router?
Will this notify the owner?

He might think we getting hacked
You don't own it?
Not personally
Its my dads
Okay then you're fine
Want to make sure we're not doing anything illegal
br uh
used EDGE
internet explorer better where it went
Lol not illegal dw
edge trash
it wont notify
Bro stf
@CrackedYT64 Are you logged in?
And no it won't notify a new one
bro it doesn't giv me points for searching ahh no skins
it gav me 1 yr back
you were farming points?
Can you guys speak in DMs or somth
@Saucywan incorrect password
yea 😦
lik lvl 1 gave but lvl 2 does not
super trash asf
oky then try admin
i reported to microsoft les see wht excuse they got
It should be **-** yes?
no i guess
this default if ur dad hasn't messed up with the router
so go try
The format
we aint hackers that we would know your infos
oh i see
The # are letters and numbers
I don't what the fuck does that mean
@CrackedYT64 do u except us to hack your pass
Is that how irs formatted
aint that illegal
Try your network's password
send pic lol
Bro ur not helping rn
do admin123
or send ss
of pass
actually you can reset it using safety pin
though it depends on router
Firewall not the whole thing
that requires login
yeah sensei
@Saucywan ok if my dad turns firewall off then i try to download the game?
Again they would need to log in and know how to turn off the Firewall
Ye he knows
Web programmer
ask him
Early tech guy
Uh so they wouldn't be dumb enough to leave it as default
At least I hope
no techie would
So ur implying that the firwall is blocking access to the website/ game @Saucywan
If not then its somehow on riots end
It could be that it's blocking your ISP
Why tho?
I can get one of the network developers inside of this chat
Wacky settings 👍
Ok well ill try
If it doesn’t work ill tell you
@CrackedYT64 When you can send a detailed description of what is happening for the network dev
Now ig?
I'll add them when you're finished
Add him
Can you send the description

I will paste with references
@Del Bringo ^
Gl with this one
Yesterday I tried to play but the game was giving me the internet error, after troubleshooting and nothing worked i went to their website, after trying to login the site said: xsso.playvalorant.com uses an unsupported protocol. I checked reddit and some people are experiencing the same problem with no proper fix, so, is there a fix? I no longer have the game and im unable to reinstall via website or epic games. Also now when I try to login on the website it no longer says: xsso.playvalorant.com uses an unsupported protocol, but it now simply says that it’s taking too long to respond.
I tried this(during the xsso error period)
Tutorial Workspace
How To Fix No Internet Found In Valorant (Tutorial)
Encountering the frustrating "No Internet Found" error in Valorant, preventing you from playing the game? Fear not! In this comprehensive tutorial, we'll guide you through a series of troubleshooting steps to fix the issue and get you back in the action. Let's dive in and resolve the "No Internet Found" problem in Valorant!
0:00 - I...
Tech Analytic 360
How to Fix No Internet Found Error in Valorant on Windows 11
Getting no internet found error in Valorant on Windows 11? If the Valorant is showing no internet found issue on your PC, watch this video tutorial carefully. In this video tutorial, I'm gonna show you the right method to solve the Valorant 'no internet connection found' issue and how to fix the no internet found in Valorant.
You may be thinkin...
When nothing worked i came to this server for help(after the xsso bug was supposedly fixed) i tried downloading from riot client but im unable to do anything on the playval website, then we tried installing the install_valorant exe, but it couldn’t connect once it was installed. I turned off my firewalls, to no avail, then tried multiple tracert commands, these were the results.

And here we are, is there anything other than resetting or turning my modem firewall off. That may work?
@Del Bringo
one ping is enough, please dont overthink them ^^
Internet error is when you log onto the client right?
And when i try to log in on the website it takes ages and times out
And im doubtful that the issue is on my end, as i only experienced this issue after the xsso error, prior to this the game had no problems.
Ok soo
Tried to login again, and this time it just says the connection was reset(not timed out)
Just thought i should mention that
On the website btw
So basically any attempt to connect to anything riot related isnt possible
Except the website homepage
Wonder why?
@Del Bringo any idea what it could be?
please don't over ping, you have mentioned them once
and they will respond when they are available
when replying to a message the user gets mentioned
Ah ok sorry
So Valorant, and most online games as a whole, talk to a lot of things behind the scenes at different stages in the process. Since this is closer to login and not at "found a match time", this feels like you can't reach the platform (xsso.riotgames.com, is part, but not the whole platform. Platform isn't really an area I know all too well, I'm game server side, where the matches are actually played). If you check your Valorant logs you should see some errors in there about stuff not being able to reach certain urls.
Also, have you created a support ticket yet?
I cant it wont connect me to the page
I cant connect whatsoever to the riot networks
To the point that i can’t open most of the pages on the website
I shouldnt be banned either
Dont say much in chat and havent been afk in months
I played maybe half a yr ago for a few days
And redownloaded this week and havent been afk once
Soo… idk
Is there anyone u know that could help me with this?
@Steve From Macrohard

@Saucywan btw i trace routed the riot website
something is obviously intervening and blocking the destination
what do u think?

jcs is internet company
fiberlink is the modem
Also if i ping www.playvalorant.com it never reaches
Every request timed out
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),
@Saucywan bro u have any ideas?
My game still doesnt work
Oh ye just remembered
I also disabled vanguard last time i was deleting the game
Would that affect this or no
Uknow with the little arrow on the taskbar
Also isnt it weird that i was able to connect to bahrain server but not any others?
Please contact your ISP
Oh shoot, OK. Going to DM you.
I bare great news
Valorant is finally working
nmay i ask if you did something special?
Idk if it was the modem reset or if @Del Bringo was able to do somth
But thx
May dad may have reset the modem idk
Tahts a rat actually
:val_KekwSob: my autocorrect
Ye looks like it was the modem restart
Thx guys
So my guess is something with your DNS settings were off, and reseting the modem fixed it. In your traceroute to www.riotgames.com the url resolved to
, all IP addresses from
fall under the RFC 1918 addresses. Which means you cannot route packets with one of those addresses over the public internet.:Clap:
Smart as ever. Congratulations.
So when your computer did a DNS resolution for www.riotgames.com, it says "Hey, what's the address for www.riotgames.com?" Something was returning So after your packets left your home network and entered your ISP's network they reached
and it dropped any packets that had the destination to, because you can't route those on the public internet.
The game client usually starts by hitting some URL, those URLs were probably resolving to unrouteable addresses.