Cant play
Hi, currently im unable to play valorant. The problem is after a few secs when i press the play button, nothing happened and riot client pop back up. I try searching up but still cant fix the issue.
73 Replies
you've been logged out you need to sign in
if you're getting any error send ss
the problem is i alrdy sign in

press play
what error does it give?
do you hear the boot sound of game ?
basically like this
Open ur riot games folder
Go to valorant/live/shootergame/binaries/win64 and open valorant win64 shipping
ya done it
wat shld i do next after that?
Is it opening or nah?
u mean right click?
Double click on it
Open it

Open cmd (Command Propmt) as admin and enter:
icacls "C:\Riot Games\VALORANT" /grant Users:F /t /c

type where?
Open it as admin
if you can't copy it

like this?
Press enter
Show result at the end

Ok close cmd
Open valorant win64 shipping again
the same thing pop up again
Right click on valorant win64 shipping
Then properties
Then compatibility
Show ss

same but mine is just stuck on the riot games loading screen

Uncheck that
Then apply
create your personal post
Try opening valorant win64 shipping again
already did
how to remix on pc?
ping me there
No idea
done it
its showing you on pc
I ain't on pc tho
Open valorant win64 shipping
Or atleast try to i should say
welp ;-;
is the same thing again
Open ur valorant folder
Right click valorant.exe
Show ss
where to find it
In ur riot games folder bruh
Riot games/valorant/live

the bottom one?

i think maybe because my target is wrong?
Right click on it then properties then compatibility

Go to riot games folder
Then riot client
Right click on riotservices
Show ss

Restart ur pc
any way to mass unfollow posts ?
Not that i am aware of
rejoin server?
Never tried
rejoin and try
U try
should i ban you then try
nah that would be perm abuse shhh
done restarting
Try opening valorant win64 shipping
double clicked
same thing
Run it as admin
Run riot client as admin
riotclient services?
Then click play for valorant
same thing happen
just like the video i send
Are u using any 3rd party antivirus?
You may need to restart your computer
For some reason permissions don't take effect until restart
I made them restart alrdy