Differences between scoping?

After reaching level 230 I FINALLY had someone mention me in a competitive as he saw me bother to scope with a Vandal while spraying, telling me that scoping while spraying would make the Vandal go haywire. Is there any page on the web or can someone simply give me an explanation to what each weapon's capacities are? I figured that Phantom would be capable of spraying if I did scope, seeing as it seems that I hold the weapon a bit more steady then? Apparently I was wrong? I am otherwise having issues with Phantom, Vandal, Spectre, Marshal and Operator. I am somehow capable of using Outlaw without a problem and I am not sure if Stinger can scope. 😅
32 Replies
mythea12mo ago
just don't spray vandal isn't meant to be sprayed even if u do so, u can do it without ads like a few bullets burst
💀LWD27Luke🤣OP12mo ago
First two lines: Valorant Community huh? Next two lines: Sorry, I am still somewhat inexperienced, what does ads mean?
mythea12mo ago
aim down sight basically scoping
💀LWD27Luke🤣OP12mo ago
So scoping with any weapon is a single-bullet fire hm?
mythea12mo ago
no, scoping does help on the recoil so u can spray better but why spray when u can just simply tap
💀LWD27Luke🤣OP12mo ago
That has been my problem with Sheriff, I am not truly capable of understanding how often I can tap to not spray or already get shot seven times before my second tap.
mythea12mo ago
shoot while u can hit them not playing with luck I mean when ur cross hair is on their heads or bodies
💀LWD27Luke🤣OP12mo ago
🤣 People think I don't... First two lines it is. 🤣
mythea12mo ago
🤷‍♂️ the way u talk showed u dont
💀LWD27Luke🤣OP12mo ago
I would press the button less, I am supposed to be standing there, waiting for someone to walk on to my crosshair?
mythea12mo ago
u can move
💀LWD27Luke🤣OP12mo ago
If he moves then my camera moves.
mythea12mo ago
either ur character or ur crosshair u are lvl230, cmon "valorant community huh" bro are u serious I'm sure players from other games will say the same thing
💀LWD27Luke🤣OP12mo ago
Well I am more than sure that indeed players have explained the case to me instead of calling me a fool.
mythea12mo ago
I didn't call u a fool u cooked it urself
💀LWD27Luke🤣OP12mo ago
"just don't spray" Sure looks like it to me.
mythea12mo ago
once u learnt one tapping, istg u won't be wanting to spray anymore and yes u can ads with stinger u do that on close to mid range to shoot on enemies' heads accurately ofc
💀LWD27Luke🤣OP12mo ago
I have no idea of what these extra-shorts like ads made by Valorant are known as, sorry. And instead of explaining what it means, you call me for an even bigger fool. I give up with support... Tat
mythea12mo ago
I think I've explained it before?
💀LWD27Luke🤣OP12mo ago
So why say ads when one can say scoping? Or did I fail to mention asking what ads stands for?
mythea12mo ago
becuz it's shorter? and is a term used in every shooter game ? idk what's ur problem with that just telling u spraying isn't good tap if u can and u took it as people calling u fool
💀LWD27Luke🤣OP12mo ago
Well spraying exists for a reason is all that I am saying. I just asked for support to understand what each weapon is used for, and that seems to clearly have been too much for the Valorant-support here. I don't see where an A or a D is in scoping as all I then think about is advertisement. So I simply tried to ask as to what it could possibly stand for as I have never heard of it in Fortnite or wherever else.
mythea12mo ago
I think I said that too? there's nothing wrong with it but if someone said something
💀LWD27Luke🤣OP12mo ago
And that's what then makes me believe that I am supposed to stay above someone shooting on their heads. And seeing as it's a tad bit difficult in a game where I can't randomly summon stairs, that just made things confusing. Sorry
mythea12mo ago
then u are likely doing it wrong
💀LWD27Luke🤣OP12mo ago
All that this only last person that I have played with has told me is that I should not be scoping with a Vandal, that's what made me ask if anyone could send me the descriptions of each weapon is all.
mythea12mo ago
u must be doing it too frequent
💀LWD27Luke🤣OP12mo ago
Ah, sorry. I seem to have spelled something wrong.
mythea12mo ago
u cab see the descriptions in game when u hover ur cursor on the weapons the description box is at the right bottom iirc it describes what ads will do like 3 shots burst crosshair follows recoil
💀LWD27Luke🤣OP12mo ago
All I see then in difference from Vandal and Phantom is that the Phantom is silenced.
mythea12mo ago
phantom has easier recoil pattern to control
💀LWD27Luke🤣OP12mo ago
You have indeed taught me something now at least. That only a friend will ever explain my situation with words that I understand. Hopefully, this is farewell.

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