I can't update
I've read through every single way to fix this, I've tried compatibility change, reinstall and restarting but it just doesn't work.

41 Replies
Press win+r on keyboard
Type msinfo32
Show ss
Also remove all of the compatibility settings u might've checked
and then?
Show screenshot

Show the whole thing.
that's the whole thing
Thats def not the whole thing
Close that
Do this again
so how?
U are in the wrong place
can you give me an example what im suppose to find
same thing
Can u show the whole screen kindly.
No cuts
I need to confirm where u r at

Disable ur firewall and antivirus
how do i do that
In windows settings
Search for windows security
and then
Virus and threat protection
Then turn real time protection off
and then
Open control panel
Search for firewall settings
Then disable it from there
and then
Restart pc
and then?
Try updating the game
not working
Download autoruns from the Microsoft site
don't tell people to disable firewall
did u tell him to disable fastboot
I haven't seen that working for anybody
did they even really disable
and I didn't notice the error is vanguard not being able to be installed
run riot client as administrator?
Run autoruns.exe and uncheck everything thats yellow or red in color and make sure vgc is checked then restart ur pc
it's not even installed yet
and enable firewall back
don't disable it
Nvm they didn't install it yet
don't listen to anyone who told u to do that
Yeah fuck saucy
doubt he just copied from the support ticket
We do it like this for evryone who has this issue
u should never disable firewall
and disabling won't help
disabling firewall is basically enabling every connection to ur pc
Ig we can just give exceptions the next time
it worked
thanks bro