I can't play on fullscreen. When I try it it zooms in and brings back to windowed.
How do I fix this?
42 Replies
did you go in settings and make sure to select the right monitor?
and the highest pixel count
like 1920x1080
or something like that
Yes I did 😦
so if i understand its on windowed nad whenever you try fullscreen its goes back to windowed?
When I fullscreen it zooms in and I can't see anything
oh weird
all I can do is alt enter
to come back
did you try restarting your pc
cuz its the easiset thing to solve problems
also when was the last time you restared pc and update your drivers
I did it like 3 times today didn't work
restarted your pc?
thats whaty you did
Restarted my pc updated my drivers
I did all of that
i see
and its just zooming in
have you tried redownloading the game?
Oh and one more thing when I press on fullscreen on the resolution it says custom
what graphics card do you have
RTX 2070
so you have ndivia geforce software of whatever it is
have you tried going in your bios?
Nope I don't know how to ;D
you restart your pc and while its reopning you spam the "Del" button
it should open and theres a lot of shit
i have no idea what is this problem and i gave most of my tips but that would be my last one
you can just reinstall val again aswell with riot games launcher
Thanks! I will try it
What exactly are they gonna do in the bios?
idk just might be somewhere to check if something is wrong
Like what?
i don’t have much pc knowledge just spitting out places there could be a problem
And u think bios could be a problem?
maybe we never know
Also you can search on youtube for your specific problem

It's probably an nvidia control panel issue. When reinstalling drivers did you select "Clean Install"
Go to file explorer # ur drive # riot games # valorant # right click on valorant win shipping 64 # look for full screen.
I didn't
set to windowed Fullscreen
I don't like playing windowed fullscreen because I get lag spikes playing it
disable the fullscreen optimization
Then clean reinstall drivers
better if you use the DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) app to uninstall your drivers first
This is how it looks

And if I try to do a fullscreen

And it's only for valorant
I disabled my monitor on device manager and it fixed
still resolution custom
but now I can get in the fullscreen mode