I need help with the Valorant crossword puzzle
I figerd it out but i clicked to fast on the win screen and didn't see the code, what do i do to see that code again
58 Replies
These are codes one guy sent that are maybe but i wouldn’t 100% trust u can try tho

Wait everyone has the same code?
Oh wow I only submitted the Valorant ones cause I don’t play League
i cant find the last 3
what is i am the beginning iam the end
a very chilly map
ohh as in temp ok lol
are these right?
alr ik 1 shot 1 kill is operator but i cant find it in the puzzle
where is it do u guys rmmbr?
theyre all the same lol
everyone recieves the same code
Messing up my last one

this is my brother
Isn’t the champions 2024 is Spain?
he is ugly
I meant the guy couldve just faked it
The one we witnessed yesterday
Is that 100t boostio??
Oh my
Thanks 😂🫶🏻
It’s a notification

Wait that’s the gift code?
u guys see operator in this?
The codes are to redeem?
I wish I saw this before, I took like 20 minutes on this because I’m dyslexic bruh
Yeah i think like in the same way as a giftcard
Not sure tho
someone dm’ed me it but it went to my message request and I lost it
Gonna go speed run and come back
well can yall help me find operator in this

holy why is it there lmao

it took me so long to find Haven for no reason
ty for help
You need operator and the other one is the map
also the first one i finished i didnt get a code
Lemme check which one
I have them all already
yo anyone able to send me a screen shot of they're 1st puzzle

wait we gotta submit it took me for evr to finish both aint no way im getting 1
everyone has the same codes, so I’m assuming there’s no way to take time into account for every person

i think the puzzles are just a fun way to enter the giveaway
yea but probb the first parts of the codes r same
there is only 200 codes
and im guessing over 200 ppl finished alrdy
so if its same 1 code should work for evryone no?
post the code ig after u redeem it and will try it to see if it works
Bro what is boostio doin
oh 💀well ggs
That was fun
GGs everyone
Good luck lol
yea gl
Wat happend to my "I need help" i haven't gotten this much attacson on discord sence the time i was calt hitting on under aged girls
Wait what do these codes give you
Exclusive Lovebyte Gun Buddy
why is valentines buddy in easter event lmao