Tunneling MySql server Methods
Hi, Im trying to setup a MySQL server thugh cloud flare tunnels. Ive been able to use the playform alot for other projects but im unable to connect to my server due to MySql using direct Tcp/Ip protocals instead of HTTPS whitch is unsported by cloudflare's free tunning survace (To what i know).
So im looking for some ideas on how i could progress this project. Ive thoght about using Workers but im unsure as how to set them up easly and have been working thrugh multable repostorys including Cloudflares offical Workers SDK but am not sure whats rly going on XD. Ive heard of using a webserver to encapsulate everything but idk. Im looking to access this thrugh a Data Studio of some sort for class project.
If anyone has any ieas or if any one has tackled this before i would love to hear on it! This is an ongoing project for the next week+ so i plan to keet this thread Open! Hope every ones day is going great!
Also this is for education so im happy to do manny things and be part of the community!

2 Replies
Your options for tunneling mysql (and really any arbitrary non-http) protocol are
cloudflared access
for simple tcp: https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/applications/non-http/arbitrary-tcp/
or WARP w/ Private Networking:
Both require the client who wants to connect to MySQL to run some software to be able to connect though.
There's a specific guide for MySQL Here: https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/tutorials/mysql-network-policy/ if you wanted to go the Private Networking route/requiring WARP on devicesyeah sounds amazing! ill have to investgate the methods you sent me. Im happy that some body was able to respond!