Rules & Known Issues
1: Do not argue with those helping you, they are doing so out of their own good will and aren't being paid to assist you.
2: Do not ask for help with cracked copies of games, any mention of a crack or cracked game is an automatic one-week mute. Repeat offenses will get a ban. You risk our entire Discord every time you mention one, which is why this rule is as harsh as it is.
2a: if you are found to have been hiding a cracked copy to circumvent rule two and get support, you will receive an immediate permanent ban with no warning. Cracked games have different support requirements, so you are not only breaking rule 2, but wasting the time of the poor person mentioned in rule 1.
1: Monolithic wine prefixes are not supported. Please stick to one prefix per-game as Lutris and Heroic do OOTB.
2: Per #1, the NonSteamLaunchers project and Bottles 2.x are completely unsupported. You will be asked to uninstall it and games installed with it if you open a game support request while using it. Please use any other wine prefix manager that follows standards set in the last decade.
Known Issues
Steam Deck issues
All open Bazzite issues
1 Reply
I shouldn't have to say this because it's common courtesy, but don't ping moderators/maintainers because your ticket isn't getting looked at quick enough for your liking.