okay so i was playing a match around 5 minutes ago and i notices my game was lagging so i decided to check my ping, so i clicked the funny tab button and look at my ping and i was averaging 700 ping and 14 fps, anyone know a fix to extreme lag?
74 Replies
Was it constant packet loss?
whats constant packet loss?
Are u getting packet loss or its just high ping?
im not sure what packet loss is can you explain?
Check by enabling packet loss graph in valorant's graphics settings
Then get into the range
okay lemme go do that
okay im already in range now what should i do
srry i forgot to respond to this read above this mssg
Can u see the graph?
lemme check
yes i can
what should i do next?
ill just do a round of 50 enemies and see what happens on the bar
Show screenshot
i didnt see much happen on the bar
Show screenshot.
wait imma go use the bathroom one sec
how many applications do you have open in the background?
u should open task manager
literally just my browser
do you play on laptop
i just got a new laptop though
with better specs
so it should be avging around 20 ping
your specs dont determine your ping
your internet does
oh rlly?
are you using ethernet?
i usually have decent internet
thats the case
i used to but i lost the little box
maybe too many people are using the same network in ur house
which is literally where the ethernet comes from
it should only be 4 people
yeah thats too much
if your gaming
also is it supposed to que me in a match if i go afk in the range!?!?
ah okay
absoloutely not
well theyre all on the internet usually 24/7
that explains it
when i got back from using the bathroom i was in a match and got a warning for dodging
and i dont wanna get banned cuz i wanna get pbe
but my dad has to work
when you have high ping you tend to get freezes low fps and high packetloss
and my mom and sister just are addicted like me
exactly what i experience
you should consider buying different internet
hm that would be difficult
because right now im moving to a new house
Show me the packet loss graph.
you should also optimize your router
oh yes sorry
wait jidat how do i ss it whenever i try screen shotting in game things it closes the games window
how do i do that?
Why would it close the game window
What keys are u using to ss?
im not sure thats what i wanna know
windows btn shift ans s
@jidat he has a potato pc mine does that too
Can't be worse than mine.
@dashypoo17 put ur game into windows mode then you can easily ss
atleast this one is better then my old one....
but that will take alot of fps
i use full screen
u can put it back into fullscreen after
U are probably doing the key combination too slow
just go to ur game and press f11
Press them all at the same time
and then press fn+ prt sc

go to settings
press on video
and then internet and show graph
that should show ur ping
btw which region do u play on?

how do i check
which country do u live in
Turn total packet loss on
u play on NA
just try to enable the internet
anmd then press show both
how do i enable internet
srry im kinda slow
wait can you screenshare ?
i can help u that way
which channel
what the fuck is this
who r yall
lol yes i am i like making roblox games
smh 🤦🏻