Need Help
Hello 👋
I'm going to be honest, I don't know much about Valorant, but my little brother loves it. Anyways, His birthday is coming up and it's his first one since he beat cancer so i wanted to get him something good. He's talked about something called like a "rioting buddy." How do I buy one for him? If someone could help me out, I'd appreciate it bunches!
Thank youuu
52 Replies
Wait, can yall see my message?
Uh yeah we can
I might have accidentally dismissed it
Oh, okay mb
So a riot buddy is given out by riot employees to some people (its the employees choice who they give it to). Every employee has a certain number of riot buddies they can give out. So u can't buy it.
Oh, so there's no way i could get one for him?
Devs usually give it to players who they encounter in-game and have a rly good behavior or deserve it
Hello :meg_wave:
I'm glad to hear that your brother beat cancer and hope for a well recovery!
The Riot gun buddy is a very sought after item which can be obtained only by meeting a Riot Developer in the game.
Here is some more info about how to get it!

He's a pretty good person in game, he's tried getting me to play it and he's always nice to the other people on the team. I might be slightly biased but I think he deserves it
Oh, alright
I'm sorry for wasting yalls time, thank you for the help
Don't worry it's not a waste of time!
I wish you good luck upon finding a riot developer in-game. And remember to always stay positive and nice even in the hardest situations:BearHeart:
How do i meet one in-game? I don't even really play.
Its just luck rly
It's by pure luck
if you have anymore questions feel free to ask :aniheart:
Thank you all for the help, imma just pray that i can find one
Just stay positive, behave well and with some luck you should have it !
May luck be on my side
It will take time definitely
So not by the 28th?
Like a 0.5% chance
Yk what, for him, I'll take those odds lol
Also what server are u in?
The Valorant server..?
Like in game
Are u in NA,EU,APAC where?
Uhm, idk how to find that out
Where are u from?
I live in Texas
Ok so NA
Yeah u might come across a riot dev
Play swiftplays btw
Wait so i have to find one and be good and hope they give me one?
Wait, if they give it to me can i give it to my brother
U can share why u want a riot gun buddy and they might give it to u
Can i like, foward it?
It will stay on ur account
But i don't want it
I barely know how to play
Use ur brother's acc to play
Isn't that against the rules though?
Or u can ask them to send it to their account directly. Cuz i don't think riot gun buddies can be transferred from 1 account to another
Play on his pc lol
He's at college, kind of far to drive to play a game
Is there a way i can go into the game with a dev? Like invite them to a group like my brother did to me?
Can i like make a ticket to ask someone that works there? His bday is the 28th and i don't think grinding for it is very effective
They most prob will not give it to u through support
Is there any higher of a chance doing that then trying to find one in a game
As long as i can make it happen by the 28th
Alrighty, where can i make a ticket
U prob won't
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
I need to try bro