Banned when the problem was he not me?
Hello ?
honestly idk what i did wrong if i said that word im sorry but he literally just told me to "ky.." and then i said that on the chat bc i unfriended him bc he told me that what im super lost and upset (i just notice its a ban for 2hours but still this person told me that not me i think its unfair) (and i was friend with him bc last game we also played against him, i didnt really know this person) i wanna cry now i only get banned in that game after its finish im not? im super lost

3 Replies
You could try to email riot but its just a 2 hour ban?
yeah and they are gonna take way more than 2hr to respond 😂
yeah i was playing while that happened so i just really saw it after the game
but i think its still unfair
and like after that game i was not ban '-' i was super lost