✅ Can someone help me make key auth in c# for my Hwid program
Can someone help me make key auth in c# for my Hwid program
58 Replies
You mean applications that help you by pass bans in game?
they change serials
ok can you show the app
it only lasts for when u turn on pc
what is deep cleaner
thats clean temp files to clean storage
i think
u think? its not your app lol
i not make the code
my friend did
I see, well I do expect you to know c# in order to help you because we are not a coding service here 🙂
he is into c# and wanted to test his skill
i just wanna know how to mkae keyauth
what have u done so far to add keyauth and what is not working?
i dont know where to put code and how to get gui
get gui?
i want like login gui
ok and have u created the login gui?
well then start with that
i want the example gui
they have one
i can use
where is it?
i dk
then how am I suppose to help you?
how do i make
by understanding winforms and c# and using visual studio you create the form, functions, method etc
can i just download someones
you can but you still need to understand c# to plug it together
and have it work properly
This is programming. Not lego.
u sure
Also, what exactly is a "HWID program"?
a program that changes Hwid serials
Ah. I see.
my frined made it
well I guess u might want to ask him to finish it then
because you clearly dont understand c#
it is finished
its not u said u want a login
it works
a key atuh
that means its not finished
but why
cant i copy paste
oh you can copy and paste, that does not mean it will work out of the box
if it would u would not be here asking
as much as we love to help, we dont do your job, we only guide u doing it
i will ask anotehr freinds frinend witch is a dev for help
sounds like a better alternative if u dont have any intention on learning c# and doing it your self
!ban @Razer developing hack tools
That shit is 100% some malicious thing
I've written a temp cleaner in batch before it's literally like 2 commands that shit does not require key Auth :SCshocked:
The colors alone are a giveaway
I did the same thing but I was able to do it. I implemented keyauth into my gui so when they login it locks the program to there hwid id and there ip address
Yeah fr 😭
You don’t need to add keyauth or any protection for a pc cleaner that cleans your temp files ect where you can do it yourself for free
I mean the thing did turn out to be a HWID spoofer so
I don't get this red and black color scheme it looks so dogshit
Specially because they have no idea about design so they just go all out with the color picker corners
Yeah Ik
I mean I don’t have room to talk about design but mine doesn’t look sketchy
And this is also a older picture it looks better now

That’s this login page

Then that
Yours at least is readable
Look at this