Following the permanent suspension notices I tried to contact support however they said I don't meet the requirements? (As a valorant esports competitor I don't tolerate nor do I support any uses of; boosting,cheating,3rd party software). If anyone can contact me via twitter or discord I'd appreciate it because this is I know for a fact what people would call a "false ban". Can manually screenshare/check my pc or even check my stats on my tracker :). Thanks in advance hope this gets sorted as I love valorant
Kai (@kLj__) on X
Feel like I didn't specify on this. I don't tolerate cheating, boosting or anything of the sort which is why I was astonished by receiving this,the ONLY possible thing it could be is an account I own has been combolisted and cheated on which then is a case of riot scanning the pc
Solution:Jump to solution
The error code
Van 152
indicates a hardware ID ban. This ban typically lasts around 4 months. You can appeal and discuss your ban on the official support page by using the link below.
Submit a support ticket here: Replies
Please just reinstall vanguard
win+r, msinfo32, send me a photo
Already tried reinstalling vanguard, the actual client, turning on/off secure boot
Could you show me your error message
in riot client
Also please do this ^

win+r, tpm.msc, send a photo

When you are banned what error code appeared?
What happens when you play on an alt account
play 1 game, after that val5
so i'd assume hardwire ID
altho there's nothing in my system
You should probably do a Windows reinstall
That error getting does not mean a hardware ID ban
It's most likely just detecting the same thing over and over
like a factory reset?
You probably just installed something that's bad
That messed with the registry or something about Windows
Lastly what is your riot ID
I assume after the reset I just try again?
Same issue comes up :)
After a fresh windows install and account?
You're probably hardware id banned
Which is weird
Indeed, so what I’ve just gotta hope riot respond?
Just like I said
You'll most likely have to wait out your ban
Or get it appealed
But if it’s a perma suspension then that’s not reversible unless they go through the appeal
Hardware ID bans are temporary
Your first ban is four months
The next one is permanent
Only concern being the possibility of ‘you don’t meet the requirements to have this modified’
Interesting I see I see
Do you live in North America?
Can you show me the entire message they sent to you
For what, the appeal? Or the ban code
The appeal
Waiting for response 👌
Then what was that ^
Wait they responded

Oh I see
it looks like it was just like grammar issue
What they're saying is that the ban was placed correctly
Is there a method to get it manually checked?
It was manually checked
Even though it's an automatic response that doesn't mean someone triggered that response
I doubt that, because I specified in the ticket that if it’s manually checked and validated they will see if it’s the game files or account files as well as if 3rd party software is active
I don't know what you're trying to say but your appeal will still denied
Meaning that you had some piece of software on your device
That Vanguard didn't like
I’m saying like I mentioned from the start, there isn’t any software on the pc so it’ll be one of the account files which then I’ve logged into and it’s banned me for that
Which is then a case of; scanning the individual pcs for the software or the game data linked to the account on the pc
Just a bit stupid really for a multi billionaire company
But ig I’ll wait the 4 months and see
Or if it’s hardware is it just perma suspend forever?
that isn't an automatic response btw
That's what I was trying to say just poor choice of words
Account is suspended permanently
ur account may has been compromised and they used cheats on ur acc
I checked their account and nothing
or u had some weird shit
on ur pc
The error code
Van 152
indicates a hardware ID ban. This ban typically lasts around 4 months. You can appeal and discuss your ban on the official support page by using the link below.
Submit a support ticket here: the account but the id?
Is banned for four months
u can try to appeal again
with more information provided
I didn’t specify that the subject was ban appeal
Maybe that’s why
They already got a manual response
like what do kind of software u have
Been trying to get gamerdoc to contact me bcuz ik he manually scans the pcs and bans that way
Bcuz as mentioned I compete in GC/T3 as a coach
So this to me is astonishing
he cant "manually scan" ur pc
I don't know who told you that
I have never heard of Gamer Doc doing that
He scans the game verification files
he's just casually answering questions ig
Not so much the pc
My bad wrong words
and this guy took it as he was unbanning someone
developers don't hold the permission to unban someone
the support team does
He works with anti cheat as an analyst
So vanguard
all u can do is this one
still, he doesn't hold the permission to unban someone
Yeah I did it in more specific detail; specifying that it’s only possible that my account got combo listed and cheated on, or there’s an account that was logged on the pc that has had that happen
No but as an analyst he reasons and analyses the subject
ur account won't be unbanned, likely
as it has already been checked
So ig just move on?
Goodbye Val?
What servers you on?
LDN/PARIS/FF servers in game
Same thing happened to me
Depending on event/queue time
I got unbanned tho
Idk if it’s because of the information I give in the ticket
Or what
But ideally I’d love to just be able to get on the server 🤣
Make a new account
And see if your hardware banned
Tried that, it gets instant val5’d
We tried this
This ticket is marked as closed
And your question has been answered
I got 4 for a reason
Saucy do you work with riot? In anyway shape or form
I don't give away my personal information
If not then respectfully, if it’s answered or not it’s down to the original poster if it’s answered
But it’s whatever if
How’s that personal?
I assume it comes under ‘job title’
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
But it’s a simple yay or nay
It is but you also need to understand
Your banned.
Appealing to senior staff will not unban you
I understand that lad
So this question has been answered. You have to wait or appeal again
if you keep on appealing; you'll eventually be blacklisted
I mean I’ll only appeal once more
No point in spamming
Ty anyway to everyone
The only other question I could possibly ask here is; if I use a different pc and account for officials (coach slot so I’m still on the server with a team) is that still against tos or would that be allowed?
Some regionals allow screenshare so I can still be there in discord, so would just be a case of main event stuff in the coach slot
It would technically be considered ban evading
hmm, sticky one I guess. Will see how this appeal goes and then try in 4months ab the hardware 🫡 thank you once again, I wasn'ttrying to be rude at any point just wanted to explain/understand