Val doesnt load in
My Valorant or riot client doesnt load when I double click it shows the little loading thing but doesnt load in
60 Replies
Are u running them as admin or any other compatibility setting is checked?
In all 3 apps
Am i supposed to be running them as admin? or no
well idk how to check what im running it as can you help pls
Navigate to ur riot games folder
Then valorant/live and right click on valorant.exe then properties then compatibility
Show screenshot
i cant see my riot games folder only the riot client
but it dont let me in it

Yeah right click on it
Then properties
Then compatibility
Show screenshot
thats the thing it doesnt let me inside the file it jus shows that lil blue loading thing
and it doesnt do nothing
It doesn't let u right click it?
yes it shows this

Yea click on properties at the bottom

Uncheck this
okay i did
thats it?
Click apply
And ok
Try opening riot client now
it says do you want this app to make changes
i put yes and it still dont load🥲
Go to the riot games folder
Valorant/live and right click on valorant.exe
Then properties
Then compatibility
Show ss
where does it show valorant/live?

The riot games folder
The one before this one
or you mean
all these files be havingme confused mbb

Click that

Right click on valorant
Show ss

Come back to here
okay i am
Go to shootergame then binaries then win64 and find valorant win64 shipping
Right click on valorant win64 shipping then properties then compatibility
Show ss

looks like it shows the same thing
if it dont work then its fine dw
Restart ur pc
Double click on valorant win64 shipping
Open it
See if it opens or not
does not
Wait for sometime

like jus wait a bit?
Open cmd (Command Propmt) as admin and enter:
icacls "C:\Riot Games\VALORANT" /grant Users:F /t /c
Show result after doing thisidk if i did it right

wrong one

Show result of the command
U didn't run it as admin
oh brb
Also don't keep space before icacls
U wrote icacla
Its icacls
i did it
it shows like 100 files

Show the very end

Close cmd
Try opening valorant win64 shipping again
still dont work
if it doesnt its good bro dw
Nah i will make it work
Open task manager
Keep it open
Can u see riot client in the list?
nope jus discord for some reason
ay i actually gotta go somewhere thanks for trying to help
sorry for wastin yo time
Open riot client
Come back after doing whatevr u r going to do
I don't leave people in the dust
Well I’m home now I went to church and to eat
it works now
thanks bro