Something is wrong here fam
Oh hey! I got asked a question from riot support for the first 6 and last digits of the card, when i was just simply trying to buy skin due of payment issues ! Is it safe ? and i don t know what does mean first 6 and last 4 digist of the card
10 Replies
if it is in fact the official support, then yes, it wil be safe. could you by any chance show us some screenshots of that conversation? if needed censor your personal data.
also with what link did you contact support?

i think it s official support
it appears to be the official support yes.

uff thank you + also i wonder what is first 6 and last 4 digits, could u give me an example with random number for example

well the first 6 and last 4 of the card number i guess:Pepethink:
so in that case 123456 and 3456
i see so u think its safe to share ? bcs this is the first time someone ask my number lol
the support will try to solve your payment issues. or at least try to understand why the problem exists. without the missing digits they will not be able to withdraw any money im pretty sure.
so yeah, i would say it is safe
Okay i appreciate your help