Low FPS on high-GPU
So i have 100/120 fps with drops on graphics settings on low with a rtx 4070 super and before i had a radeon rx5500 xt and i had better and stable fps
27 Replies
i don't know the problem
might be an issue with compatibility?
no because i have 300 fps on ultra settings fortnite
Its probably running off ur igpu
how do i change that
Set valorant and valorant win64 shipping to high performance in windows graphics settings
this ?

Uh yeah
Set it to high performance
Also look for valorant win64 shipping
Set it to high performance too
it is win64 shipping
Oh nvm
i still have the problem
Add valorant.exe too, just in case
it's still the same
Open task manager with the game still open
i did it
btw both valorant and Fortnite are cpu bound so your gpu really doesn’t matter
like jidat said just check if anything is getting maxed out on usage in task manager while you play
discord uses more cpu than valorant.
how can i fix that ?
Show the full usage of evrything
- stop screensharing if you are
- disable hardware acceleration
- disable discord overlay
- make sure its updated and you aren't using a 3rd party version
- turn off OpenH364
- turn off Echo Cancellation
- turn off Noise Suppression
this is assuming discord is taking a ludicrous amount of cpu and not just a couple of percent
okay ty

idk how i have low fps
Go to performance
Show ss
While having the game open

i have a i3 3230 and gt 730 with 8 gb of ram
i get above 100 fps