298 Replies

Its a bug with no proper and guarenteed fix
this error code is just a guessing game and almost anything can solve it
what do i do
i tried alot of stuff
1 thing that has worked for s few people
trust me, I could list reasons for it and you would be stuck for like 10 hours before you even got through those
Make a new windows user account, give it admin perms and only use english letters in its username.
this error absolutely sucks
did you get this error before?
no, but its existed for over a year
stupid ngl
Also its a WINDOWS USER ACCOUNT not a riot account
I am saying this cuz some people actually made a new riot account when i told them this fix
its solved by the most random shit as well like removing external usb hubs, coolermaster software etc
the only way you can figure out what is causing it is checking event viewer but that doesn't even show why its happening for most of the cases
its absolutely ludicrous
yea got u
for real
and it happened for absolutely no reason
the game was working fine the day before
you could try checking event viewer, running a malware scan, performing a DISM cleanup, SFC scan & chkdsk, cleanbooting, reinstalling both vanguard and valorant and removing any temp/residuals files, making sure vanguard is actually running on both the kernel and and system driver etc
those are like the basic things if what jidat says doesn't work
ye it didn't sadly.
i already did the basic stuff, might try to reinstall valorant or vangaurd or check event viewer
but thanks for the help tho
np ❤️

yeah my guess is you have some corrupted valorant or windows files causing it to fail
it doesn't tell you why it failed in that event I'm assuming?
i mean
there is some other shi

oo interesting
I guess we could try and give it permissions manually
so if you want to go down this route of trying to fix it you would open the windows search and enter:
where the two asterisks are replaced with the CLSID you got
(including the curly brackets in the search)
i found it

wrong one, the {259......} one
we can add both just in case I guess, I haven't worked with this before so its interesting
I think the second is the PerAppRuntimeBroker since I seem to have it as well
i found the other one

what should i do now
go to this place
i cant find it there

it should be called by the names inside
so it will be called PerAppRuntimeBroker for example
i found it
alright right click it and choose properties then go to security
then click edit under launch and activation permissions

does it let you add/remove stuff for any of the users?

then you also have the trustedinstaller being very unfun
so we would have to go back to the registry and give ourselves permission
okay i already have registry open
okay right click on the folder we are in from the left side
the {259...} one
and go to permissions
click Advanced then change the click change next to Owner at the top
and type in 'Administrators' without the quotes
you can also choose to use your user account name here if the administrators doesn't work on the check names

yeah like that then click check names
if it complains like a little girl then enter your user instead
haha nah it didnt

just press ok?
then double click on the administrators user
full control?
hopefully that should give you permissions, you need to restart for regedit to take effect though
so restart and then go back to the thing we didn't have permissions for
i still dont have permission

hmm, your user is an administrator right?
lemme try adding it to my user and restarting
Are u using the new user u made?
i think so
Did u give it admin permissions before all this?
From where?
Just wanna make sure
control panel
Search for computer management in windows search
Then local users and groups on the left side
Click on users
Show ss

Which one did u make?
damn I don't have perms either
bro didn't listen
bro probs gonna play roblox
lol, I need this error to happen to me so I can actually find out what it is
cus I think this is the thing
i created
Go to computer management
Users and groups
Then users
Show ss

open cmd and type in
what does it say next to Local Group Memberships?
Double click on demon
sorry op i dont mean to barge in but your error code was under general right? ive got the same issue yet with no error

i think it's opium

okay then?
Member of
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you are logged into this user too right? :val_KEKW:
in cmd

yeah so why do you have a bunch of question marks there xd
What the fuck
????? ??????
my pc is fucked
maybe i know
ive seen the issue happen because of character issues nd that could be the problem

@ClickQuack ^
obvsly its an encoding issue, that much is clear
the last user
its the first user on this windows
then run whoami again
ima wait to see what the final fix is first then try
Ur user should have user+administrator here
There is no final fix
yeah which is why im waiting
Click on add
For what

Then advanced
wtf kinda character doesn't exist in UTF-8
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what the fuck
Ah yes, the english letters
did you get hacked or somthing man
i dont think so
Show ss

probably just arabic being decoded into unicode instead of utf8
so the case of CMD is him actually using this weird named account's privileges to search for the current user which is a bit odd
Find now
then what

Scroll down


Can u see users there now?
Along with adminstrator

Restart ur pc
Make sure u r still in this user account
i restarted
Open the game
Why tf did he dip
Making it too climactic
its over for me
i think this is a sign from god
Is your problem solved my friend?
yeah i should go to the gym and stop playing val
nuh uh
whats your peak
offf 😦
before i stopped playing for like 3 or 4 months
definetly a sign to stop now
nah i think i cant improve alot
im just not putting in the effort yk
okay so about the game
is it over for me fr?
Reinstalling windows has a 30% chance of working :baaphu:
I feel like that's just because it creates a new user
and people did it wrong the first time
Lmfao true
too much work
it does not work 😦
and i have to reinstall alot of other games and stuff
Wait for riot to roll out a patch for this shit
I still think its somehow running on the old user smh
it was with the cmd at least
Yea thats why i am saying this
It shouldn't have admin as the first thing
It should be user
I mean that doesn't matter too much
@Moez through which option did u make the account?
if you inherit admin you basically inherit user perms too

this but it said with a local account
Show the full page please

Go to family and other users
Show ss

Add someone else to this pc
okay and i just sign in?
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I don't remember what exactly u r seeing rn

I don't have this person's info
Show ss
i don't either

is this for creating a new account?
new user
Add a user without a microsoft account

pick a name
Make it only english letters
No digits no nothing
yeah i think dengeneracy is fine
then what
Make a password

Yes admin
should i switch users now?
Is your problem solved?
it worked
im on a new user now
No, is your game opened?
why would this work tho isnt valorant not stored in a user directory
ill try to open the game rn
No idea
And for me it starts for a while, but after 2-3 minutes the game closes again.
he means hes on the new user
same ^
the new user
im running val rn
It worked for someone, we tried on a few others, it got fixed for some
Oh god...
It will not work prob
it worked
are you sure?
I can hear the lies in ur voice
Can you stroll around the lobby for a few minutes?
my shop is trash too
@Moez wait, did it work fr?
No kidding
yeah fr no kidding
Show ss
I have trust issues

im already doing this
wait for me it only closes when in game does it crash when youre in menu too for you?
@jidat thanks man
ur the goat fr
thanks for u2 @Arii
Why did you laugh
@Arii too ezz?
:Sova_Lipbite: :Sova_Lipbite:
i dont understand if it dosent give you the error in menu hwo would you know
I am weird
Thats why i laughed
he plays vlorant is that a suprise?
make me do the same
for me i only get kicked out when im in game
not whne in menu
^ follow from here
oh i get it now
do you get kicked in menu too or just game
wait let me try
i used to get kicked right after the loading screen
I haven't seen anyone getting kicked mid game with 1067
try the game
Go into the range
please @Moez
now you have it alsways happens like around 2 mins after i laod into a game
mine too
Huh weird
im in range
its working fine
riot support had an idea it had to do with interent whihc is what i suspect too but tthen why would the vgc crash
is vgc crashign your issue too?
Just try this method lol
I don't know, but even being able to enter a match in the game, I get kicked out of the game with 1067 in 2-3 minutes.
search for event viewer
Is it still working?
then click windows logs > application
anyways thanks for the help guys appreciate it ❤️
then look for an error that says Faulting application name: vgc.exe
or just try the fix and hope you have the same prob as me and him
you gotta post this shit on reddit or somthing man youre more of a help than riot support
Did u try this?
im doing it rn
will do
Again, it might not work for some people
But they might've made the user account like moez did the first 2 times
With a Microsoft account
They need to make a local one
I’m on my phone rn while it’s booting up
Just to be clear you don’t need to do anything with the actual valorant client or riot games right?
No nothing
If u have it running as admin or any compatibility setting is checked, uncheck them all
So uh @ClickQuack @ChoSeppp any updates?
just loaded into the range
if its still fucked ill get kicked in 120 seconds
ill nbeed it
it doesn't disappear
What doesn't disappear
it didn't work
U followed evry step exactly?
No digits or anything in the username
still broke
I didn't see your post and I started the game as an administrator. Will this have any effect?
Doing anything with compatibility settings breaks it sometimes
Well tough luck guys
Nothing we can do
(Or u can try 3-4 times like the 1st guy lol)
compatibility settings are off
it was a difffrent issue from teh begining
@ChoSeppp can you try following my steps through event view to see what your error is
Can you please explain a little more clearly? I'm using translation and I couldn't understand what you said.
you are on windows right?
click your windows button > serach event viewer > click windows logs > click application > log for an error > click on it and under the genereal tab see if the name is vgc
There is an error but the name is not written
bad_module_info, version:
this is the mistake
i started a new thread for this info in praticular
thank you
thank ones a no go for me
ive got a shit ton of data scattered everywhere I cant afford to lose
didnt work
how to do that
ah okay ill try