C#4mo ago

✅ Styling Avalonia DatePicker Control

My Code: https://pastebin.com/v057vZCS Avalonia Code For DatePicker Style: https://pastebin.com/QewxMCD9 I am trying to style this DatePicker, and I'm doing it as it's own UserControl so that I can call it when needed. I want it's style, whether opened or closed, to be with a black background {DynamicResource Background}, specific value hex of blue {DynamicResource BorderColor} for the border and for the spacers in between the day/month/year values whether open or close, and darkgray text {DynamicResource FontColor} whether opened or closed, but I can't figure it out. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
2 Replies
Mekasu01244mo ago
this is what it currently looks like and I'm just trying to match the theme 😂
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Mekasu01244mo ago
i found my old work that had the answers I was looking for. thanks