Hi every time wehn i press smth on my keyboard my game goiiing to lag and idk how i solve this so please help me...
16 Replies
what's ur specs?
also is that any key or just certain keys
all keys
thats the point even wehn i text smth i n the chat it gonna lag
@mythea i can show u it if u want
have u checked for files corruption?
either game files and system
how cai show u it
ur specs?
task manager
the easiest way

like this?
the performance tab
whats that ?
On the top
Open it and show ss

looks fine though
cap ur fps
do this
check for files corruption
can weh go for a sec in a call then i can show u it
its kinda weird
how ß
for the game files
riot client settings
for windows
open cmd as admin
sfc /scannow
dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth