smurf elo boosting
why riot still claim elo boosting isnt allowed? why they claim mmr system works?

10 Replies
report it and move on I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I looked at the account and they are evidently account sharing to boost the Hori account as well, nothing you can do it about it sadly
1 they promote elo boosting
2 mmr balancing is broke
There's no point to report, i did for many years, they did nothing
they don't promote elo boosting but the mmr balancing being bad I won't argue against, heh
it is impossible to make a flawless system though and it does detect most smurf accounts very fast and give them enough mmr to leave the earlier elos, the problem comes when they play on other people's accounts like these people are
I personally think account sharing should just carry a suspension with it but not everyone agrees apparently so you're just gonna have to live with there being some boosting going on
its not that hard to auto-ban a new account with 10h playtime and 204 damage per round top 1,1%
the point is, they wont do it
look he just played another game

its not a new account though
also its not the smurfing that is bannable
only the account sharing
or if they bought the account of course
Bro dont be silly, diam1 peek with top 1% damage per rouns, destroying ex immortal players...
Plus riot state that elo boost is not allowed
Not to mention that this prove mmr system dont work at all
once again, smurfing is not against the riot TOS its just an incredible scummy thing to do
this person playing on that sage's account though, that is against TOS
the reason it may take longer for the system to move them up into the rank they should be could be due to a variety of things like the sage's mmr being too low so the game gives worse opponents, the account they are playing on being a bought account with lower mmr etc
its not fun, I get it, but there isn't much that can be done here
All that said, if an account has top 1% damage/win or only mvp in carrer must be placed in the correct rank. It's so easy to understand that this conversation is useless.
well I don't work for riot and don't set the rules