Web Bae•12mo ago

Hello, thank u so much for your work. I have two question:

- why custom svg doesn't work on Clip Path Bae app? - when i try use it also in videos it trasform it in image. How can I cut out a video (or better background video) in Webflow? Thanks!!!
6 Replies
Web Bae
Web Bae•12mo ago
Hey @Fosca - can you send a small recording of the behavior please? It would help to have inspector open during the recording too.
FoscaOP•12mo ago
here's custom svg doens't work
FoscaOP•12mo ago
hello 🙂 are there news? ^^ thanks!
Web Bae
Web Bae•12mo ago
Hey @Fosca I haven't been able to tackle this yet sorry
Web Bae
Web Bae•12mo ago
I'm looking into it but it may be a few days. in the meantime this tool could be helpful! https://www.plantcss.com/css-clip-path-converter
convert svg path to css clip path converter
The clip path property help us to clip the certain part or area of the element. This online converter helps us to convert svg path to css clip-path property values with scalable width or height. It means the shape or shape area is not stretched when content is exceed initial width or height.
FoscaOP•12mo ago
thank u so much!!

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