idk bug on my valorant general
Can you help me with this problem? I've been experiencing it for 3 days and I can't solve it. It's not a problem with my connection. I enter a game and to begin with, it takes minutes to get into the game. Literally minutes. I get into a Death-Match and I enter the game when it's ready. for the minute 7/8 around and the biggest problem I can't buy anything I don't see anyone sometimes I see someone and they disappear and I die out of nowhere I don't understand and I'm advocating a lot
129 Replies
I restarted the PC 500 times I cleaned the PC just in case of a virus I reinstalled Valorant 300 times and the problem continues I don't know what else to do I haven't played for 3 days because of that and my last option that I have that I am rethinking is to format my whole pc because I can't think of any more ideas
Is ur game on an hdd?
Do u have a ssd?
wait my game is on my SSD and yes i have hdd
i try to install riot client and val etc on my hdd but still have the problem
Look, that is a small example of what my ingame game is like, it is unplayable in all modes, even in the shooting range, I can't do anything at all and as I said, I don't know what to do anymore, I already opened a ticket the first moment that happened, I opened the app riot repair tool I sent them the files that came out, I explained every detail of the problem in the ticket and to this day I have not received a response and finally I deleted my entire Windows and installed everything from 0
Looks like a network issue to me
but that's not the case, my internet is fine. If it were a network problem, I wouldn't even be able to enter the game. I open YouTube. It loads fine. I open Discord. Messages are sent fine. The problem is valorant.
Go into video settings in valorant
Then stats
Turn packet loss to graph+text and network RTT jitter to text+graph
Yeah its definitely the packetloss
try this
netsh int ip resetipconfig /releaseipconfig /renewipconfig /flushdnsnetsh winsock resetnetsh advfirewall reset
@u are my slave lmk if it works or not
okey i do it then i say u give me a moment
the packetloss are more now i think? tf xd
okay wtf😭
open cmd as admin
ping -t
let it run for 3min
send ss of results
oop I forgot to say you will need to press Ctrl + c
and send a screenshot
I'm so sorry 😭
and what can do now
re do this
but at the end
after 3min
do Ctrl + c
and show screenshot

Thats some rly consistent packet loss
and that means?
Probably ur isp is shit
Disable ipv6 and set ur dns to
like europa
which one from this

what is this
paste this in CMD
- in another one
run this
that was already all this time
for 3m and then crtl + c ?
nope this one is automatic
eww google
also tracert sucks with valorant servers
idk why you still do them
fr but lets see first 6 pings
it works for like half the servers and they hide like 70% of stuff
I think they'd see a higher ping to google as well in that case though

i think that depends on dns ?
congrats, you have discovered why tracert with valorant sucks :val_KekwSob:
the eu eastern russia ones typically work better for tracert if you want to try those
but in general this won't say much
a little bit yes, but if they are seeing high ping spikes due to ISP thats what we would see on tracert typically
problem is you'll get like 9 timeouts before you reach the riot servers which means you have no idea if its the amazon servers on the way or w/e they use
lemme throw one more solution maybe it helps
⚠️ Save WIFI Passwords
open windows settings search this 'network reset'
reset it
reboot pc

nah cloudflare > google for anything not 3rd world
we gotta save those 3 ms you know
Fr google sucks hard im getting 135 ms consistant
hell nah
the tracert looks normal
:val_OhBee::val_OhBee::val_OhBee: >
Stfu u alien
I'd even argue >
Sry :please:
who calls sis a alien mine one is dinosaur
ehhhh maybeeee
They called themselves an alien

Who am i to deny
actually fr
I will get cancelled smh
eww JIO

honestly idgaf so you ain't getting cancelled
I don't need to use cloudflare though which is another W
good sis behavior
I have a personal one which I get 4ms on 😎
Why not
A personal what :val_CatBigStare:
private dns
saves 1ms 💀
Tbh i never checked my ping with cmd
I should do it
:val_MonkaW: try out
Who knows what i might find :val_CatBigStare:
I currently get like 46 ms
(In game)
airtel ?
Dhan dhana dan
@jidat same here 24~ 898 ping
Why u getting 898
in game somtime when someone calls
I might even have a more stable connection than u lol
Cuz the traffic here is super low
i mean its stable but sometimes it doesnt
you can thank salesforce for that
they dump a shit ton of traffic to india sometimes and it lags the entire country 💀
They ain't dumping shi in my state
is it fr ?
Ambani bhai should do sum about this
yeah I work in the industry and they are known for dumping all their data at once instead of in smaller batches
causes problems in like every single place on earth when they do it lmao
Idek how dumping data works like that but sounds not good :val_KEKW:
can be anything from packets, to sms to flashcalls
they conjest the network nodes which causes delays and packet loss
everyone complains about it but they don't give a fuck :val_KEKW:
ik this shit its majorly SMS one
my phone is full of shit and spam msgs
after this

Whats up with the score 😭
U have disabled ipv6 right?
probs just tearing cus they moved the mouse ig
what if you ping the bottom two servers here?
do you get responses and packet loss to those?

no loss lol
also it identify as personal pc \ servers idk why

@Arii what do i select in alternate dns server?
If i select in preferred
it should be in preferred
then in secondary
My is bad tho
if you see these bad rates on tho then try playing with google as secondary mby
if it has better ping
on or
I have the best ping on
Worst on
So in preferred?
whichever has the best ping in preferred
whichever has second best in secondary
there are more public dns servers you can test though if you want like OpenDNS, Quad9, Comodo, L3, DNS Watch etc

for example I still get really good ping to OpenDNS