Game Crash
Whenever I start a game, my game crashes without any error code and it goes back to desktop. This has been happening continuously. I've even installed a fresh windows and installed valorant again yet the issue still remains
17 Replies
not enought drivers or non updated driver / outdated
It's the latest one
The graphic card's driver are completely upgraded
Yet the issue still remains

See @Server's grandpa (6'4)
try reinstalling vanguard
or check if u disable vangaurd startup in taskbar
Did not help
Try reinstall
did it 3 4 time still not working @Server's grandpa (6'4)
Check event viewer
whats that
its a app that moniters the issues and events happening
ok thanks
What thanks lol
Its not a solution
nothing worked
We never told u the solution in the first place
What did u think would work?
is there anything that can fix it? now my game crashes like this post