recently i keep getting suspended bcs of rule section 7
recently, i have been playing comp and been suspended because of rule section 7. it just started today
Solution:Jump to solution
Disable ipv6 and set the dns on ipv4 to -
Uninstall reva tuner statistics if u have it
Let valorant,vgc,riot client and vanguard through ur firewall and reinstall the game...
14 Replies
i dont even play on other peoples account and yet it keeps on saying the same thing
What is the error code that you're getting?
Show the full error please.

Disable ipv6 and set the dns on ipv4 to -
Uninstall reva tuner statistics if u have it
Let valorant,vgc,riot client and vanguard through ur firewall and reinstall the game
still the same problem
Reinstall vanguard
Its fixed
By doing what?
i just followed ur intructions and it didnt happen anymore
How did you get unbanned
I didnt get banned it just kicked me out of the game
Hello, I was banned because of rule 7. Can you tell me the reason? It's urgent.