Download active assets from Workers & Pages deployment

Is there a way to download each file that is currently uploaded to an active deployment? Maybe download all files into a zip or something? Example:
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4 Replies
Chaika12mo ago
No, it's purposeful that you can't, Pages doesn't want to be used as a file locker. If you're using Direct Uploads right now, the Git Integration is easy to setup and nicer, just have to make a commit and Pages CI/CD will rebuild the site for you/run any build actions
sunflowerOP12mo ago
Thank you for confirming! No worries! I accidentally deleted a folder. I'll just have to manually grab them. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something I think this will be what i'm going to look at next. I have a simple one page html file with images and stuff
Chaika12mo ago
Yea plus for accidentally deleting stuff, git would have your back in that case. Even for just a simple html site, all you'd have to do to make updates is push the changed files
sunflowerOP12mo ago
good to know for sure! Thank you @Chaika @Chaika i just wanted to take a moment and thank you again for recommending github. I implemented it and synced it with pages on cloudflare and this is seriously amazing. Pushing changes then it autosync to cloudflare pages is definitely the way to go!

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