I recently downloaded valorant again and now it won’t open no matter what I do.
This is what I get

142 Replies
I deleted and redownloaded I’ll see if that works
Valorant Failed To Launch, Something Unusual Happened Fix!
In this video i show you how to fix Valorant Failed To Launch, Something Unusual Happened problem
My Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mikarslight/
valorant,valorant not opening,valorant not launching,valorant fix,valorant failed to launch,Valorant Failed To Launch,something unusual happened while trying to launch valorant,valorant mont...
Follow this^
Al right
Is it working now?
I’ve been redownloading it
I’m at 70 percent rn
I’ll let you know gimme like 30 minutes
No it didn’t
Restart ur pc
All right
I did
Try opening again
Nope it didn’t work
Same error?
Yea it doesn’t even tell me what’s wrong

Are u running any valorant related thing as admin or anything like that?
No it shouldn’t be
I just redownloaded it
try this
netsh int ip resetipconfig /releaseipconfig /renewipconfig /flushdnsnetsh winsock resetnetsh advfirewall reset

This is all I have for the hardware
Skip it
I did
Nope it didn’t work
Press win+r on keyboard
Type msinfo32
Show ss

Press win+r
Type tpm.msc
Show ss

Navigate to ur riot games folder
Then valorant/live/shootergame/binaries/win64/ and open valorant win64 shipping
All right

It gave me thay
Open cmd (Command Propmt) as admin and enter:
icacls "D:\Riot Games\VALORANT" /grant Users:F /t /c
Also show result
Open valorant win64 shipping again
same error
Go to the valorant folder
Then live
Open valorant.exe
Also close riot client first

Right click on valorant.exe
Run troubleshooter
Use recommended settings
It just tells me to reload it
Nothing is working
Show ss
What is it saying

Press yes

Close it
Try opening again
If it shows the same error, try opening valorant win64 shipping.
If that gives the same error, run troubleshoot for that

Should I try downloading it from the epic store?
Click yes
Now what?
Open win64 shipping
If it doesn't work, right click on it then properties then compatibility and show ss

Uncheck every box
Do the same for valorant.exe
All right I’ll start it again
Start what
The game
Launch it
Uncheck every box in compatibility for both exe first
I did tho
And it gives me the same error
Get to the riot games folder
Then riot client
Right click on riotclient services
Is there anything checked there?
Nope nothing at all
Open riot client

It’s open
Try opening val

U followed that video i sent u properly right?
Just double check the value is 0 or whatevr
yea i did but i only had one file
It was the same file right?
Yea default or something
Double check it please.
All right

U changed the default?
Never opens this before in my life
Then what did u change lol
nothing cause the guy said you need that file
U never told me there was no such option there
oh thats on me then oops
was all that you said before thinking that the video didnt work?
omg im so sorry
@Saucywan pull up
Make a key named DevOverrideEnabled and set it to 1
restart your pc
in this same place in the video right?
Yeah right there
I can’t get it to go with default

The other options work as well
Bruh not there
Right click below default
Delete that
Which one

Bro delete that dev override enabled
i did
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options

Remove this ^
Right click on image file execution option then new
and whats next?
Sorry, not key
key means folder
but when i click on key it makes me a new floder
so dont do that
yea i was confusde
youre fine brp
Saucy look at general chat lol
My friend said downloading amd might work
Nah it didn’t work
can i ask
why are you skipping it
did you try this ?
just asking
I didn’t have it
No I’ll try it
its software based
Oh okay but I could run it when I used to play
umm are you talking about the hardware adress one ?
yea i dont have the option
also do put the quotations netsh advfirewall reset?
yep thats only option you need to enable
no no
bruh lmao
i dont got that option which sucks
now u became the one that pops random solutions which they might not even be related at all
where is ur game located at?
in my sd card
maybe thats why?
run this in admin cmd
WDYM Sd card
to gain users account full control permission

change here C to D
and also SD cards are incredibly slow, use external ssds instead

it didnt work
i can try putting in my main drive
maybe take a look at what u typing lmfao
u only need to change one letter
oh oops
wait im so confused what do i cahnge
wait no
ahhh just move whole riot game folder to main drive
icacls "D:\Riot Games" /grant Users:F /t /c
just copy paste
I did tho
Man Wtv I’ll figure it out tomorrow
Its just a random ass problem
nah it's not random at all
it's an issue related to permissions
I did give it the full access
then it's something blocking it from being launched
Also didn't u make someone run those commands too that one time?
They had the same issue
no, the error is completely different
there's also a chance his filesystem is corrupted
btw the most worthy to try rn is just to simply reinstall the game at his ssds
much better performance than having the game on a SD card
An sd card?
Also it looks the same to me :please:

Wow that ticket was a month ago
I have been here for a month
Feels like yesterday
(Not rly)
too long...
Its time for my monthly salary :val_KEKW:
cuz I've tried anything possibly related, and think it may be the critical or auth tokens error appearing in different way
but it turned out wasn't
I just deleted it put in on my main drive and used epic games to download it and it works