how do i move to a lower sense

so i am a generally high sense player on most games i play and i seem to have great aim with it, however i am wondering is it a good idea to swap to a lower sense since its supposed to be better if the switch is worth it then how do i get used to the lower sense as fast as possible?
3 Replies
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi12mo ago
sens is usually based on personal preference but if you feel like youre constantly over flicking then you should lower it play some deathmatches normally and see if youre flicking past the enemies a lot also, it always takes time when adjusting to new sens best thing to do is lower it in small increments so maybe .1 or .05 at a time and get used to them before lowering more
Hxkrr12mo ago
most people use 0.3-0.4 800 dpi on valorant you generally want to have a lower sense which is better for headshots
mythea12mo ago
listen to diet pepsi, not this bs^ if u are doing great consistently with that sens, just keep using it

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