Stream service unexpected "Storage capacity exceeded" error

Hi guys, I'm using the "Direct Creator Uploads" to upload videos to the stream service and create download urls to be able to download them which seems to work perfectly. As of today I'm receiving this error: "Storage capacity exceeded: You have exceeded your allocated storage quota. Delete videos or purchase more minutes to continue uploading content." In my Cloudflare dashboard-->Stream-->Videos I can see that I still have plenty of storage capacity Storage Capacity You have 39 videos in your Stream library. You have 36 minutes of video content in your Stream library. Your storage capacity is 1,000 minutes (96% remaining). This is my current subscription: You are currently subscribed to the Starter Bundle which includes 1,000 minutes of video storage (as well as 100,000 images with Cloudflare Images). Any ideas what might be wrong?
2 Replies
Chaika12mo ago
Do you have a bunch of pending/unfinished uploads?
frangiskosOP12mo ago
I don't see any from the Cloudflare dashboard but it is possible

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