Is is possible to create a non-proxied CNAME and not get a certificate error?

The service I'm forwarding to doesn't support the proxy feature on Cloudflare. The rest of our website though is on cloudflare so I can't create the CNAME somewhere else. Is there a workaround?
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7 Replies
Chaika12mo ago
It is very possible yea. Since that is unproxied, that cert error is coming from your host, not Cloudflare related I'm not sure which platform you are using, but some will give that error when they have no certificate for that domain/are not setup for it.
BittespuhlenOP12mo ago
I' I've been working with them and they said it's a cloudflare issue.
Chaika12mo ago
Well sadly they're wrong, not any other way to put it. If it's unproxied, Cloudflare isn't involved other then just for DNS
BittespuhlenOP12mo ago
I tried doing this and using redirect pizza but I get the same error.
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Chaika12mo ago
have you cleared your resolver cache/waited a few hours for your local dns cache to expire? If it's not proxied, you need to wait for your dns cache to expire/the change to propagate. Can take a while, some default ISP-operated DNS Resolvers force long ttls
BittespuhlenOP12mo ago
Thank you, it's actually working now. Not exactly like I want but it's an old subdomain so it's working good enough to do the trick. Thanks for your help!
Chaika12mo ago
Sure, as for the original issue usually you see that status code when the server you are pointing at isn't configured to accept requests for that hostname ordoesn't have an ssl cert for it. The redirect to does work for me now as well

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