MSFS trim following

Thanks a lot! Haven't been using the WIP version before - makes things much more comfortable to adjust! Is there any way to find specific values for the Trim Gain Physical setting for individual aircraft types?
10 Replies
Number48112mo ago
the physical trim setting only affects how much the joystick will actually move in response to the trim value changing. There's no way to really know what this value should be, since in 'reality' it would depend on a great many factors. In the sim, you'll sorta want to adjust it so that the stick moves at a reasonalby believable rate in relation to the trim changing. Some aircrafts trim values move really quickly, some are pretty slow. The tricky part is the virtual setting, again this is sort of a trial and error process since every aircraft will react differently. The virtual setting is the percentage of the physical movement that actually gets fed into the sim. The higher you make this value, the more aggressive it will make the trim since, in addition to the trim value increasing, the virtual axis will also be moving. @smitty wrote a how-to procedure for coming up with good values for an aircraft. Check out the last part of this section from the legacy version documentation under the "Tips for configuring the trim settings": Just ignore the stuff about adding things to the config file.
smitty12mo ago
yep basically you shut off the spring force temporarily so the stick doesnt move on its own, then move the trim +/- 75% from center. the plane should stay level because the trim and virtual move cancel each other out. adjust virtual % as necessary. it helps to put trim on an axis instead of the buttons for this, but buttons will still work. there's a mod called Input viewer on to show where your trims are. at the extremes of trim movement you may still get some up/down changes, not much you can do about that.
jusche89OP12mo ago
Thanks again! I understood the trial and error part of the virtual axis. Have just been hoping to find some good values for the physical settings. After all setting the virtual values was easier, than expected for the first aircraft... Will just try out what feels good for the physical setting
smitty12mo ago
i went thru a lot of the default craft and then some so those virtual values are in the default setup already. i think (?) the physical should typically be left at 100%
jusche89OP12mo ago
I got some difficulties to get trim and ap following working with the PMDG 737. Are there any known issues with the plane regarding this?
smitty12mo ago
not sure, i dont fly any airliners
Number48112mo ago
a lot of these advanced 3rd party aircraft do strange things with the sdk and/or make use of L:vars instead of standard sim vars. So some of these features, and maybe even some of the effects won't work with them since they leverage standard events and simvars.
Number48112mo ago
for example, TelemFFB listens to ELEVATOR TRIM PCT AILERON TRIM PCT and AUTOPILOT MASTER If these simvars aren't updated to reflect the changing values, the trim following and/or autopilot following won't work.
You can look at the telemetry monitor to see what is happening with that data. If the APMaster doesn't change to indicate the AP is active, then the AP following will never activate. Similarly, if the trim values don't change when you trim the aircraft, TelemFFB doesn't know the trim is changing.
No description
jusche89OP12mo ago
Well the elevator trim pct value changes, but the APMaster doesn't. Got trim following somewhat working, but must be living without AP following then... Thanks for the help!
Number48112mo ago
It’s not currently possible to customize the simconnect data variables that are being read for a given effect. I am working on something for dynamic simvar subscriptions that will give us this ability, but it’s still in alpha state.
If you can tell me the L:var that should be read to find out the state of the autopilot, I might be able to bake it into a test version for you.

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